chapter 14

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Ban p.o.v

I haven't seen Josh since his brother die. He has changed a lot and he hasn't been going to school or seen him around. I'm going to visit him today. Hopefully, he wants to see me. I called his friends and only one answer me and said damn man Josh is not living with his parents anymore. He is living in an apartment and dude if I where you I wouldn't go visit him. Is not the Josh we know before he has changed a lot. I went anyways to visit him. When I came to the apartment his parents gave me his address. His apartment did not look like one and it smelled bad too. I knock and he answered he looked horrible.

Josh p.o.v

When someone knocked at my door. I was about to smoke but I went and open it and the person that hurt most my brother. I punched him in the face and said to him is your fault he killed himself your fault.

Josh picture above.

Mute (Finished) By Ana RWhere stories live. Discover now