My uncle was right.
This air felt more breathable than the one that I had been breathing for the last 15 years.
It felt much more light. It wasn't filled with disgust or judgement for the things that I see and do.

"So that's all that you need to know. See ya again sometime, ma'am, and thanks for stopping at our apartment!" She proceeded to walk out of the room and slamming the door.

"Oh well. Isn't it cosy?" My mom asked with a drained attitude.

"It's awesome." I admited, still looking out of the window.

"We still need to unpack. Care to join me? It will be faster."

We brough everything to both our rooms, and we started with my room, since I had a few less things than my mom. After we were done, we moved to my mom's room, and we were getting even more tired now.

Gee, I'm not going on a train again.

There was only some things left when we both decided to lay down for a second.
So we just laid there for 5 minutes, but the thing about laying there, staring at a white ceiling filled with cracks and being tired, is that you get extremely sleepy.

I was already letting myself drift off to sleep when I came back to my senses and opened my eyes.

I looked at my watch. 15 minutes had passed since we both stopped. We fell asleep.

"Mom." I said.
There was no answer.
I turned to my mother. She was passed out.

I reached my hand to shake her awake, but I realized that she was tired, probably more than me.
I sighed.
Now it is the part where I do the rest, isn't it?

I got up, and yes, I unpacked the rest of the things.

After I was done, I went to my room and sat in my bed.

Great. What do I do now?

I took out my cellphone, and noticed that I had a message from Neil.

From: Neil
Have you arrived there yet?

I looked at the time. He sent the message half an hour ago. I quickly texted back.

To: Neil
Yeah. I have no idea of how to find the guy that helped my uncle.

I got a message from him some seconds after.

From: Neil
Then you should go explore!

I read the message.
He was right. Why was I wasting time here when I could be out there exploring?

I putted the phone in my pocket, and walked towards the exit door.
One last glance at my mother told me that she was plain asleep.

...I won't take too long.

I slipped out of the room, and walked down the stairs that would lead me outside.

Walking out to the street was strangely pleasant. I don't know if it was because nobody knew me or because this place was so open, but I enjoyed it.

I was walking down the street when I almost bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said, looking at the person. It was a woman, with dark hair and blue eyes. She was probably on her mid twenties.
She seemed startled, I didn't realized why, until I saw her clothes. They were all bloody and somewhat ripped.

"What...Y-you can see me? Help me! Please!" She cried out, trying to grab me.

I moved away from her, but she followed me.
"Please, please, PLEASE! I'm talking to you! Answer me!" She kept going.

Looking Out For Mistletoe -ParapinesWhere stories live. Discover now