Chapter 20

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                His laugh was bitter, there was such a hollow edge to it. It sent a numb liquid feeling through my limbs, almost as if I was unpleasantly drunk on him. His face was hollow, his skin sickly, and a thin beard collecting on his chin. His hair hung his face, it needed to be washed. And then I met his eyes, they still were the mean eyes but they weren’t completely his. Dark eyes that usually were powerful were weak milky brown. This was a very sick and injured man. My heart did not mourn at the site of this frail young man. He was a monster still, behind the helpless façade it was still a bad man.

                “What’s that in your palm love?” His lips curve into a thin half smile,

                That’s when I defied Heath; I pushed him away with my might. His body was feeble and surprisingly light. He tumbled onto his back, he groaned lowly. The letter flew from my hands into the curling flames of the fire, quickly claimed and consumed by the scorch. Heath shouted for his guards, soon my arms were pulled behind me by a guard. I did not fight against this, I accomplished my task and now I was led by the blind faith that John would come with his rebel forces. It wasn’t terribly much to go on, but my life was too pointless to not attempt to make something of it.

                “Take her to the carriage, bind her up though. I’ll punish her later.” He winked at me,

                My stomach curled in disgust; his eyes undressed me and I squirmed in thought of his foul mind. The guard chuckled; I could feel his chest shake. My wrists were bound in my lap; I was tossed in the plush velvet seat of his royal highness’ carriage.

 He was always excessive; the carriage was extravagant in aesthetic. I’m sure this thing wouldn’t be worth two cents in mud however. Stupid vapid man cannot see beauty beyond the gold coins in his view. Trees probably lost their beauty to him, unless they were worth more than their wood and bark. These enormous amounts of riches took his humanity with every jewel and bit of gold.

                I sat in the carriage for a good long while, quite bored except for my little companion of the carved cherub on the ceiling. The curtain was drawn shut so I could not see the activity about the carriage. I could perceive great amount of noise at times. This carriage was exceptionally stuffy in the afternoon sun.

                Then the carriage door finally opened, I sucked in this clean fresh air unsure if I should be in fear yet. Heath stepped in as if he was a delicate duchess serving tea. I looked up staring at the cherub instead of him. He cleared his throat gruffly. I met his chilling eyes.

                “I am fascinated with that stunt you pulled back there. Don’t know exactly what that was all about. You are used to me being close to me.” He smirks,

                I scoff but do not reply. I don’t think he saw me toss the letter into the flames. Internally I sighed a breath of sweet relief.

                “Defiance is not tolerable Belinda, you know this and yet you defied me as if you were a small child. For such a pretty little thing you are quite intolerable, it’s not a wonder that nobody loves you.” He drones on, “I suppose why I am not at the Felucian border?” He asks smartly, he is clearly pleased with himself smugly.

                I shrug and nod briefly, I refuse to talk to this maniacal freak.

                “Well I received an anonymous tip that rebel forces were planning another attack at your arrival, whoever was the traitor to them did us a great favor.”

                He tosses the note to me; it slips off my knee and floats to the floor. He coughs weakly with laughter as I fumble around with bound hands attempting to reach the note. Does John know there is a spy within his men?

                Finally with great relief it is caught between my fingers, I pry it open clumsily.


                Flee the border; rebels are within these forests preparing for an attack. It is no longer safe.


                I suppress the smirk that is pleading to come out on my lips; this is unmistakably John’s hand. That ingenious man, I never know what to anticipate with him.

                “Take it, keep it.” The note slips from my hands to his shaky white hands,

                He once again grins with pride and ignorance. If he only knew.

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