Chapter 19

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                I tucked the letter in my nightgown, pressing it to my heart. This letter was a little part of him in a way. I slept little that night, tossing and turning. The small sounds of nature in the night inexplicably disturbed me, the sounds of men’s voices died down and now the loud snores drifted through the campsite. I dared not peek out of the tent; there was no chance of escape. Either the guards slept lightly or were still wide awake. The fires probably died down to hot coals and would not destroy the letter quickly. So I waited lying in the little cot dying to run away into the night and find John.

                The night was at its darkest, as it always is before dawn. And a woman I had not seen before comes in to awaken me and dress me for the dawn travels. I am dressed in heavier fabrics and cape than the day before. I can feel the weather shifting. Once presentable I am led to a wooden table in which I am the head of as queen. Other high generals and other military men I could care less about were seated around me. Torches and the soft dove grey in the sky offer us light as we eat out early morning meal. I think little of it, and barely manage to choke down only a few bites of bacon and bread. Nervousness hums through me; it is nearly impossible hiding it under my skin. To my utter relief no one gives me a dark suspicious stare. They are all tired still as the pack up camp. How am I to burn this letter?

                An officer speaks to me, he is short and bald. He mentions a wife and child at home, it makes me smile. He doesn’t know how lucky he is to have that. His name was Gunderson.

                “Officer Gunderson would you care to show me around the camp before we leave, I just would appreciate seeing all of the work put together for us.” I smile demurely,

                People look at me a little curiously, General Eisenberg speaks up. “Your majesty do you really want a meager officer to show you around this joke of a camp?”

                I scoff, “Why yes I do general, this lovely camp was set up over night by many hard working subjects of the Bith kingdom. And Officer Gunderson seems perfectly agreeable to me too. So Officer Gunderson would you be gracious enough to show me the camp before it is packed away?”

                He nods quite flabbergasted, “Yes your Highness of course.”

                I rise and lead the two of us away from that dreadful table.

                “Your majesty what would you like to see?” He asks eagerly,

                I pick up my skirts from dragging in the dirt and leaves, “Where was everything cooked? I am sure the fires there are still going, I do have a bit of a chill in the morn air.”

                He nods quickly as if frazzled by me, “Yes, yes come this way.”

                Directly behind a line of tree was a campsite that was most definitely not as nice as the high military general’s or my tent. Very weary tired women wrung clothes into an icy crick, their hands reddened and chapped. Another tends to the fire as they finish feeding everyone. Some were packing up all of the goods and taking down tents. Officer Gunderson clears his through loudly. A couple women look over and gasp, whispers erupt and soon the whole group are gawking at me and pulling deep curtsies nearly falling to the ground. Most of these women I am guessing have never even been in the castle.


                “Good morning, I hope I am not bothering you.”

                They shake their heads furiously, “No your Highness, not at all.”

                “I just wanted to tour the fine establishment that all was put up so quickly and I wanted to thank you.” I break away from Officer Gunderson walking up to the fires,

                “Yes milady, do you request anything?” A girl asks me shyly,

                I shake my head, “No, no you can get back to work now. Officer Gunderson why don’t you help those women taking down the main tent, they seem to be struggling on their own.”

                He nods obeying my command; he practically scampers to the tent to help the bewildered women who couldn’t even reach everything. Not that Officer Gunderson was that much taller, but it got rid of him for the time being.

                All of the maids went back to work, their eyes skittering to me often. Quickly I pull the letter out; it is clutched in my fist. The flickering flames are just waiting to claim this letter and destroy its existence. My hand reaches forward to drop the letter into the flame’s clutches. And then a firm shoulder grips my shoulder with excessive force. I wince, drawing my hand holding the letter to me.

                A gasp escapes my lips, “Heath what are you doing here?”

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