Chapter 3

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 Hey, sorry this chapter isn't terribley exciting or dramatic, nor is it very long. I will make up for  it eventually! -Olivia


                The day was long, I filled it is unnecessary errands, busy work, and excess cooking. By the time John came back upstairs weary, I had created a feast, an impeccable house, and fidgety self. He was quiet at the table, simply eating the spread of food I had prepared for him. After I finished my small portion, I sat quietly and waited. My hand folded in my lap, my eyes far, and my mind even further. Dreaming of faraway lands I only heard about in story books and tales. A bustling metropolis by the sea, a sandy beach with waters bright as a jewel casually lapping the shoreline, and fanciful castles with peaks that reach the sky just any place as far away as one could possibly get. Somewhere with a new discovery and mystery around each and every corner, a place where you don’t know any of the faces only your own these faraway lands were only figments of my imagination or places to far away I could only dream of going there. And dreaming is what I did.

                I hear to fork drop, I turn to John. He looks at me curiously.

                “You’re a dreamer aren’t you?” He asks,

                I nod.

                “What do you dream of? If it is not too much to ask of you Belinda, I am curious to know.”

                “No, no it is not too much. I just dream of places, exotic and far from Yeller. This village is all I have ever known.” I stare into his eyes and I am taken miles away,

                His luscious brown eyes flicker in the fire in the strangest way. They are creamy and rich, taking me to a blazing desert, rolling hills and pastures, and lowly lit evergreen forests.

                “You want to leave Yeller forever?” He raises an eyebrow,

                “Not forever, at least I don’t think I do. Maybe, but I would come back. I just want to live a life, make something of myself and not to die as just another uneducated villager.”

                He nods listening, “Uneducated villager? You don’t sound like an uneducated villager to me.”

                “I stayed in school longer than the rest of the girls in the village. And I read more because my grandfather sent me many books as a child.”

                He nods, for some reason eager and fascinated by my story.

                “You sound more educated yourself.” I acknowledge,

                He looks down shyly and nods. “My mother was a school teacher so I attended school and took an apprenticeship from my father at the same time for blacksmithing.”

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