Chapter 15

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This is kind of a jump that is dramatic but I toyed with the idea and decided to go for it, that's the fun of writing because you can do that! I hooope you like it, or are at least intrigued by it. By the way on a completely unrelated note, doesn't music like Sia or Florence + The Machine just make you wanna write like crazy it's that inspiring? Maybe I am just suffering a mental breakdown....again.


                Two years, I have been here two bloody years with this monster. I remember that day vividly, by nightfall John was declared dead. That day I died, I am the hollow, empty shell of the pretty and passionate girl I was. There was no possible way to return to Yeller, and that was even if I wanted to return to the people that left me for dead. I was probably the eerie topic and tale that came up late at night when they sat by a low crackling fire sipping on hot ale. The thought of me would send chills down their spines, and I would give small children nightmares of a hideous heretic witch. I belonged nowhere. Perry would take me, for some reason he always loved me. But that didn’t matter now; I was Queen Belinda of the remote land of Bith. And I was in the tense, loveless marriage to that monster Heath.

                He was a monster, literally and figuratively. He transformed into that sick creature with gnarling glass shard teeth, colossal bulk, and breath of one thousand corpses all the time. He was the cursed heir to the Bith throne. One late night when he was away on business, a terrified slave whispered it to me by a crackling fire just days after our marriage.

                “Long ago, within the terrible walls of this castle the Prince of Bith eagerly awaited to hear the will of his father the king upon his dying breaths. The father and son never were on good terms, the son was power hungry from a young age, and the king grew worried he would have a destructive leader to leave Bith. On his deathbed the king told the young prince that he would have to find true love that completed him in his faults and him in hers. The king was a wise man and knew that the love and balance of a compatible woman would save Bith. He had to do this before he would be coroneted king, if he did not he would have the worst creature within take him over. And with those parting words the king died, and the son laughed at the man’s senile behavior brushing it off. Within days the prince had been coroneted taking his father’s throne. But little did he know that those words had such truth and depth in the man’s heart that they became truth. And they became truth to every single soul in line for the Bith kingship. None were said to have met their true love, none were meant to be king but were coroneted anyways. They all had that monster lurking within them, and it always released itself at the worst of times. It always brought them to an early demise.” She was quiet when she told me, fear deep in her eyes.

                I was married to Heath, this cursed monster. We weren’t in love, so he was never freed from this curse. The idiot believed that a marriage to me even after he was coroneted would save him. But there was always that looming question hanging over me, why was I involved? Why did my father see the Beast, or at least a king of Bith in the form of the creature? But those things didn’t matter, what mattered was that I couldn’t give him a child.

                Just weeks after the earth-shattering news of John’s death came to me, so did the forceful marriage to Heath. I was still in my room hobbling from the broken ankle I had received. I didn’t eat, nor sleep, or even want to think. That is when I became the emptiness I am today, it felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. The physical pain I felt was torment and the mental pain made that physical pain seem insignificant. I lost my soul mate, we were bonded whatever that meant. But I knew that the stranger I loved more than anything was my soul mate. Heath took these fragile eggshells of me and shattered them by forcing marriage onto me.

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