Now We'll Never

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Fuzzy disclaimer: this takes place on the same day as the first chapter but, Kenny's point of view and it kinda shadows into the next chapter.

I told the guys, this morning before going to get Cartman from his house.

I told them I slept with Cartman. I told: Kyle, Stan and Butters. I don't expect Butters to be too happy but he'll get over it, right?

Stan and Kyle bursts out into laughter and Butters look angry and upset.

I stayed silent, kept a straight face. Sleeping with Cartman wasn't an accident or a problem. And then here comes the part where they realize I am not joking and they make their jabs.

Kyle shook his head. "Dude, that is such a new low. I thought sleeping with Clyde was a low for you, but damn dude. You found the lowest point.

Stands laughed hard. "Did he make weird noises? Regretting it yet, man?" He held Kyle hand tightly as he almost fell over.

I wouldn't help but smirk when I gave the juicy details. Butters now knows who Eric Cartman has fallen to. Butters' face was priceless, he was pale and was about to cry, maybe.

Kyle looked mortified. "Kenny... man... fucking Cartman isn't something you should be proud of. He's a jackass, He hasn't changed once through 4th grade to now. He isn't good." 

I guess it was Butters' breaking point. He yelled. "He's changed! He's good! He's trying! You guys could try and take notice of this!" He was crying, oops... maybe pushed him over a bit.

Then in the corner of my eye, I could see my perfect plush muffin. My little Eric. He was jogging and had his head phones in. But, before I could say a word, Stan went chasing after him and we followed.

We all screamed after him, and then he started to run quicker. And then everything happened so quickly. Cartman fell, fell into the lake. Then Kyle told us that they were gonna hang out.

Fine whatever, I can have my big muffin anytime I want him. Now Stan was taking us to his uncle's. Probably so he can get drunk for a little bit without Kyle there to nag at him.

But, that is exactly what we did. By now, the sun was lowering into the horizon and me and Butters were in the back, making s'mores, while Stan got shit faced with Jimbo and Ned. Oh boy is Kyle gonna be excited  to see his alcoholic boyfriend giving back into an addiction.

But, right now it wasn't too good for me and Butters. He was eating all of the gram crackers.

"Dude, chill on the crackers. We gotta have some for the s'mores." I muttered, gently staring into the fire.

Then Butters starts and holy shit, is he pissed.

"Why would you take advantage of Eric? He was drunk." He growled, stuffing another gram cracker in his cheeks.

I couldn't help but laugh. The dumb boy, really thinks he could take Cartman so easily. Or maybe he is just jealous he didn't get a sweet bliss moment with Cartman.

"I dunno, maybe it's because he got a hard on for me... and only me. And he needed some to take care of it, because little Butters could never be able to pleasure him." I smirked.

Butters face started to glow a little with jealousy but didn't say a thing.

I smirked and leaned in and muttered for only him and I to hear.

"He begged for me. He wanted me. And trust me, totally consensual. I'm not a damn rapist, Butters. But, since ya so salty that you didn't nor will be ever to see Eric Cartman naked. I can give you a run down... He has nice moobs. It would be a lot better if they were bigger, but I can live. His dick was perfect, average. Common in bottoms.
Oh and by the way. I made him come twice. More than you ever could." Before I could give him more details I felt his tiny fist connect with my jaw.

Then I felt the soft cold snow on my back and a striking pain in my jaw.

I look up at Butters who is furious, he sits on my chest.

"I could make Eric, mine sexually. Whenever or wherever I wanted to. But, at least I know he's good. He isn't a bad guy." He whispered and then tried to get up but I punched him in the nose.

There was a soft crack and Butters' cried loudly and held his nose and then full force punched me and then there was darkness.

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