It takes over

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Fuzzy disclaimer: song as usual, I hope you enjoy!


When I woke up, I had a burning sensation in my ass, my head pounded and I was going to vomit and I did, I ran to the bathroom with a really large pain in my ass. I groan and look into the toilet. It is literally just brown liquid and I stand up and flush the toilet.

 I go into the room again and go to pick up my underwear and a large pain shocks me through my ass and I tumble a bit.

I groan in pain."Goddamn it, Kinny."
Kenny started to stir. I covered my mouth and I stood up, more pain flushed to me and I bit my hand and slipped my jeans on and searched my shirt. As I was searching, Kinny woke up. I heard a loud groan and he turn over. I picked up my shirt and hat and ran to the closet and hid. Kinny yawned and looked around the room.

"Cartman?" He mumbled, staring right at the closet, damn it. I slipped on my shirt and hat and walked out.

"Hey, Bud." I bite my lip and give him a fake small smile.

He yawns and gets up and picks up his boxers and slips them on. "That was really good,
Last night."

I sigh and rub my ass. "For you."

Kinny smirks. "Oh no, it was great for you. You screamed and begged and it was perfect." He picks up his orange parka and slips it on.

I sigh and pick up my jacket. "Sure, Kinny. Let's not talk about this."

Kinny walks over and kisses me. His lips are chapped and warm and good. They don't remind me of anything Kahl's lips would be like but, they're good. I kiss back a little and it makes me forget about the pain in my ass and my headache.

He pulls away and stares at me for a moment. "I do love you, Cartman. I want you to know this wasn't just a cheap fuck. I'm gonna make you mine." I close my eyes. Kinny McCormick cannot love me.

I bite my lip and nod. "Kinny, I'd like to think about this. Okay?"

Kinny laughs at my response and hugs me. "Don't think too hard, you might get a boner."

I roll my eyes and yawn. "Now take me home, Poor boy."

He smirks and takes me down to his truck. I yawn and hop into the passenger side and start to doze off and then soon enough, I am home. He walks me to the door and I helps me in and great enough, my mom is sitting at the kitchen table, drinking her morning coffee.

She flashed us a grin. I sighed and got my green tea ready and Kinny was still standing there. I grunted in pain, the burning was getting so much worse. Kinny took a seat and Mam thanked him for taking me home and if he'd like to stay here for a little bit.

I sighed and took a big gulp of the tea and Mam got up and handed me a stick of celery and spoke to Kenny."Isn't it great? My little Poopsykins has been healthier recently."

He nods and gives my mother a crooked tooth kind smile and looks at me as I took a bite from the celery. "Wanna go hang out up stairs?" Kinny asked.

I grunted softly. "Don't have much of a choice do I?" He laughed at me.

Mom kissed my cheek and pushed me to the stairs. "Go have fun poopsykins."

I truged up the stairs and when I made it to my bed. I yawned and layed down, Kinny layed down beside me, arm over my side. It was quiet and all that could be heard was our soft breathing and my mother's soft indie music playing from down stairs. It was the nicest thing that has happened for a whole month. It was the most calming.

I got to hang out with my best friend without exercising. But I know I have to get back to work on Monday. I can't have lunch with them again until I am perfect. So right now, I have to enjoy the calming music and his breathing.

I sighed and snuggled my head into my pillow. This is the best thing that has happened in a long time. But, I would be more okay if was Kahl, I miss him. I need to change for him. I need to change for people to just take me seriously in general I guess.

 Hours pass by and more pass by. Kinny ended up falling asleep, but it was fine. It was good. It was calming. But it ended soon when Kinny's foster mother called and had him come home. Tomorrow is Monday and I need to get some sleep. I don't hear the indie music stop, but my mother enters my room.

"Oh, Poopsykins." She smiled down at me, I was still laying on my bed, half asleep.

I yawned and gave her a smile back. "Hey, Mam."

Her sat next to me and layed down beside me and held me, gently rocking me. "Eric, you realize no matter what, you will always be my little boy."

I yawned and nodded. "Yeah, Mam."

She smiled and moved hair out of my face. "I know you had... well.. 'it' with your buddy Kenny. It's okay. Okay?"

I jumped slightly. "What? Mam... what the hell? How did you know?" I asked, very scared.

She giggled and continued to mess with my hair. "You waddled a bit differently, and I know a certain little waddle means someone had something up their..." I stopped her.

"Okay. Okay. Mam. Please. Please. Stop."

She giggled. "Well sweetie, I didn't come up here to embarrass you. But, to ask you about this boy and check up on my boy."

I yawned softly and layed my head on her chest. "Fire away, Mam."

She smiled and rocked me. "Do you have feelings for Kenny?"

I shook my head. "No, Mam. We were both drunk."

She nodded and continued to rock me. "Do you like any boys, Eric?"

I bit my lip and nodded. There was no way of hiding this from mom. She was all I had and will always be.

She grinned largely. The biggest smile I have ever seen since the dog whisperer came around. "Who is it?"

I sighed and leaned against her. "Kahl."

She smiles and hummed along to the song that was on the radio. And then spoke. "You should ask him out, Eric."

I yawned. "Okay, Mam. I will. I just want some rest. Okay?"

She nodded and got up, and tucked me in like the nights when I was in the fourth grade.

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