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It felt as if I cried my eyes out. My eyes couldn't produce tears anymore, and I could hardly control my body. All of a sudden, Mark had arrived, having a worried look on his face as he embraced me.

"Everything is going to be ok, love." He cooed. All I could do is shake my head.
"Darling, what's wrong? Did you get mugged?! I heard something about mace! Who hurt you?" He quickly muttered.
"No! Y-y-you don't underst-stand!" I cried, handing him the note that was left on our doorstep.

Mark briskly read the note, and when he had finished the note, realization flooded his face. He teared up, but refused to cry.
"Wh-what are we going to d-d-do?" I asked, wheezing in between each word.
"Jack, he has our son. It's just going to drive me to find this son of a bitch."
"B-but I don't want you to get hurt!" I yelled.
"Sean, what other choice do I have?"
"I... I lost you once. I'm not going to lose you again." I barked.
"I'm sorry, but it's not your decision. You saved me, and now it's my turn. I'm going to save our son, no matter what it takes." He ordered.

"Well... Fine. If you're going to risk your life for our son, I can't stop you. But I'm doing it with you." I looked right into his eyes, and clenched my fists. I wasn't going to just sit around and let Mark have his life in danger.
"Sean, no."
"Mark, he's my son too!" I argued.
"I'm not going to let you go through this again!" He yelled.
"Mark, that only made me stronger! I can do it again!"
"I don't want you to get hurt, or even killed!" He ordered. "I'm not letting you go out there. Not again."

I felt our world spin rapidly, as I got filled with nothing but rage.
"You can't tell me what to do!" I screamed out of frustration.
"Yes I can, and I am ordering that you aren't to risk your life doing this."

I couldn't take it anymore. I had never been more angry. I walked up to him, and just stood there for a second. I don't know what came over me, but I just slapped him. He wiped his eyes, as if it was just a dream.

"Mark, I'm so so-"
"No. You're right. He's our son, we need to save him together." He hugged me, as both of us began to sob over our son.
"How could this happen AGAIN?" I cried. "Oh god, not again..."
"I don't know. There has to be some sort of motive..." He began to pace back and forth, trying to piece something together.
"Who would want to kill our son?" I yelled, not being able to contain myself. "He's such a lovely boy! He's so nice, funny, who would to hurt him?"

Mark cracked his knuckles, and wiped the tears from his eyes.
"Well, there are three theories I've come up with, but they don't exactly add up. It could be someone that despises Chase, but that doesn't make sense, since this is a serial killer... So it could just be someone that has a sour history with children. But it could also be someone that despises us, but that doesn't exactly add up either... But the most obvious theory is that it's a serial killer that has beef with his age group in general, not the actual victim. Which gives us zero suspects."

"Well... Then let's go." I retorted.
"Sean, it's not that easy... All we have is a picture of the place the children are put. But one of our sources lied to us, so we could go question him about that."
"We are going to find this bastard." I cried.
"Yeah. Well we need to alert Maria of this. Shall we go, my love?"
"Yes. I... I love you. No matter what we go through, we have to stick together, ok?" I asked, holding his hand and squeezing it tight.
"Right. I'll protect you, Darling."
"No no, I'm the one that is going to do the protecting." I giggled.
"Sure." He grinned with sarcasm. "We got this."
"Damn right we do."


Yup. So we are going through this again. Hopefully everyone comes out alright!

Do you think anyone will die? Is anyone working with this killer? And once again... Who do YOU think is the killer? Tell me in the comments below!

Should I do something where once a week I give a hint as to who this killer is? Also tell me in the comments below!

Thank you guys for all of the support so far! It means the world to me... I love y'all so much!!!

It's Gonna Rain Tonight- A sequel to "I'm Not Losing Him"Where stories live. Discover now