Chapter 15

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                      I was released from the hospital and mom had me out of school for the week. I still urged Tate to go to school, even though he didn't want to. I laid on my bed and Tate laid next to me, propping up with his head rested on his hand. He ran his fingers throughout my body touching every bruise and cut they caused. He sighed and got up, sitting on the edge of the bed, his head rested in his hands. I sat up and rubbed his back. "It's OK Tate, the police have this." He nodded and got up, grabbing his backpack. "Alright well, if anything happens, text me." I smiled and blew a kiss his way. He rolled his eyes and smirked. I laid back down and went back to sleep.

                     Mom came in my room a couple of hours later and rubbed my shoulder to wake me. Groggily, I sat up, rubbing my eyes. "Yeah?" Mom sighed, "our officer called." "And?" She looked around my room and back at me. "They can't find them." I frowned. "What do you mean they can't find them? They were at school. Didn't they look for them at school?" She shrugged. "Baby I'm sorry I hope they find them, but until then. You're not to leave this house." I got up and paced the room. "Mom! Paul said he knows where we live!" Mom got up, "I'll call the officer. We will get a squad car out here." I nodded and texted Tate immediately. Finally, school was out. I at least could feel safe with a police officer outside and Tate next to me. I was sitting on my bed listening to music when Tate came in. He threw his back pack down and sat next to me. "You OK?" I nodded and leaned in to kiss him. "I'm not sure what's going on, I just know they still haven't found them. I'm trying not to watch the news because it's freaking me out." Tate sighed and laid down.

                    We took a nap together and awoke from a loud noise outside. We both shot up and ran to the living room window. I looked around for the squad car and saw nothing. "Where's the police?" Tate looked at me and back outside, "Stay here, I'm just going to make sure no one is outside." He kissed me and went back in the room to grab his gun. He went outside and I saw him looking around. He went to his car to inspect it when I saw them run to him. Shit. Without thinking, I ran outside and down to Tate's side. Tate was glaring at them and the second he moved his attention to me, Paul threw the first punch. Tate fell back into the Maverick and hit his head against the door. Ryan came over and grabbed me from behind. "No! Stop! Let me go!" I kicked and squirmed but Ryan restrained me. He restrained me with one arm and wrapped the other around to cover my mouth. Tate tried to get back up, but Paul kicked him in the head. Paul kept kicking and punching Tate until he was bloody and couldn't move. When he was done with Tate, he came over to me and started moving his hands up my shirt.

                  I let out a muffled scream and tried to kick at him, but Paul got close. Paul pulled out tape and taped my mouth once more. Ryan picked me up and they started walking towards Paul's van. I kicked and screamed, but it was no use. Then I heard it, the cocking of the gun. "Let her go or I'll fucking shoot you." Ryan spun me around and held me close to him. "Oh really.. You would risk shooting your girlfriend?" I could see Tate's face was cut up and eye swollen. He spit blood out and got up. "I have good aim. I'll blow your fucking head off." He raised the gun and Paul came over and put his knife to my side. I shook my head. I tried to let out a muffled, "No." Tate looked up at our apartment and back at them. "See.. Right now, I'm protecting her. If I shoot you, it will be said as self defense. You guys are already wanted.. If you cut her, you'll both go to prison for ever. Is that what you want?" Ryan looked at Paul. He pushed me to the ground and ran off. I grunted and tried to get up, but Paul got on the back of me, holding the knife to my throat. "See kid, I don't care if I go to prison. This one is mine. You leave us or I will kill her." Tate hesitated. He looked me in the eyes as tears filled mine.

                  Tate lowered his gun and nodded. "I'm sorry Grace. I love you." My heart started to race and I looked between Paul and Tate. Paul smiled and picked me up. He turned around and continued to carry me to the van. I heard a gun shot and I dropped to the floor. What the fuck just happened? Was I shot? I crawled away as fast as I could and looked back. Tate shot Paul in the leg. Paul screamed and was holding his leg. Tate walked over to him and pointed the gun to his head. "Fucker." I jumped up and pulled off the tape. "Tate! Stop!" Tate looked over at me and I ran over to him and pulled him away from Paul. "What the fuck are you doing Grace?!" I took the gun from him and hugged him. "If you do that, you'll go to jail. He's not worth it, please don't do that." Tate sighed and pulled me back. "Go call the police. I'll keep an eye on him." I was scared he was still going to try something, but I ran up the stairs and called the police. Mom heard me calling the police from the room and came out. "Grace, what's going on?" I looked out the window and saw Tate standing there, arms crossed, staring down at Paul as he squirmed.

                    "They came here mom!" Her eyes widened. "What?!" I ran back outside and pulled Tate to his car. "At least sit on the hood, you need to rest." He rolled his eyes and propped himself up on the hood. "I'm fine Grace." I chuckled and reached up to kiss him. I stood in front of him and rested my head on his chest. He put his arms around me and kissed my head. Mom ran outside and saw Paul on the ground. "What happened?!" Tate and I explained everything as the police showed up. They rushed over and handcuffed Paul. The paramedics came over and treated Tate and Paul's wounds.

                       Paul was taken into custody and Tate refused further treatment. We went back up to my room and laid on my bed. I cuddled up against him and he had his arm around me again. Tate sat up and looked down at me. He smiled and moved my hair from my face. I smiled, "What.." He chuckled and sighed. "Grace.. I love you. I want to be with you forever. I was just wondering.. When we graduate.. Will you marry me?" I sat up and shot him a puzzled look. "Why the fuck would I marry you, you're a fucking asshole!" *lol just kidding.* I sat up and shot him a puzzled look. "Are you serious?" He smiled and nodded. "Oh my god Tate of course! I love you too! I love you so much!" I threw my arms around him.

                       The police found Ryan quickly trying to pack bags to leave town. He was arrested as well. He didn't get as harsh as a sentence as Paul, but he still got charged with assault. Tate finally got transferred to my school, luckily we don't have the same classes so we don't get on each other's nerves too much. We stopped cutting and doing drugs. We still drink sometimes, but hey, you can't completely stop everything. Tate inherited money from his father's passing so he put that aside for our wedding and for us to get a place when we graduate. Since I have to repeat the ninth grade, I have to wait four more years until I graduate. Tate's in the tenth grade and has to repeat that, so he has three years. Until then, we're just going to focus on school and each other. In the end, he says I saved him. In my opinion, he saved me. He was just Saving Grace.

~Author's Note~ Well.. thank you guys for reading my story and especially thank you to @TheLoversGuardian, @tylerd20011, and @dead_romance for your awesome comments and voting! Appreciate you!! I hope you liked it :) See you in the next story!

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