Chapter 5

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            "Mom, please don't make me go.." Mom threw her purse in the car. "Grace, please. This is hard enough. Just do this for me baby." I sigh loudly and plop in the passenger seat, crossing my arms. We pull up to an old building. Kaitlin Pearson, MA, LMHCA. Fuck, I'm not looking forward to this. Mom and I walk in the front doors and she approaches the counter. I sit the the waiting room and gaze at all the crazies around me. He's stupid, she's old, he's stu- wait a fucking minute! He's fucking hot! He has his head down, looking at his phone. His black hair drapes over his face, but so far he's hot! Mom sits next to me and says something. "Grace, are you listening?" With a look of surprise I turn towards her, "Hm?! Oh yeah, of course." She crosses her arms. "Then what did I say?" I bit my lip. "You said.. that.. you love me?" I smile. She rolls her eyes and chuckles, "that's exactly what I said.. I said that you need to tell them everything, don't hold anything back, OK? I just want you to be better." I nod and grab a magazine. "Tate Sienna!" The boy gets up and I notice he has brown eyes, just like me. Ok, he's hot and he looks just like me. That's weird. I notice his muscular arms pull down his shirt and he goes into the office. Oh my god he's gorgeous.. 

              "Grace Palmer!" Mom rubs my arm as I get up. Well shit here we go. I go into the office and am greeted by this younger girl in her late 20's. She has auburn hair and brown eyes, light skin. "Please! Sit!" I nod and sit down. "Hi I'm Kaitlin Pearson. I'm your counselor, I know this isn't fun. Your mom is just really worried about you so we're going to help you get better, OK?" I cross my arms and look around. She has a lot of books in her office and a picture of her, a man, and a small child. "Why don't you start off by telling me about yourself?" I chuckle. "Well, what do you want to know? Um, I recently attempted suicide, I'm alone in life, I hate myself, I'm ugly, I'm fat, uum.. yeah." I take a deep breath and sigh. Mrs. Pearson does the average counselor thing, "mhm.." She takes a few notes and adjusts her glasses. "So you say you tried to commit suicide, why did you do this?" 

             I shrug. "I don't know, I was drunk, high and I just got raped. I felt like shit, and what's the point in living?" More scribbles. "Mhm.. what do you think is the point of living? Your mom loves you, you have a brother, a sister.. " I frown. "How did you know that.." "Well, your mother told me a little bit about what's going on, your family history, she's required to fill out a form with your-" "So if my mom filled out a form, told you about what's going on.. why am I talking?" More scribbles. "Grace, here's the deal. I don't want to sound harsh here, but it's either talk to me for about 90 minutes Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, or be admitted into a hospital where you'll talk to a counselor everyday and you won't be able to do anything you want." I let out a huge sigh. "Fuck lady what do you want me to say?! My uncle raped me when I was a child, I self-harm, I drink, I do drugs, I just lost my friend, my mom's new boyfriend's son rapes me and I can't tell her because he said he'll kill my family! I don't know what else you  want me to say! I don't want to talk about this!"

              She scribbles down some more notes. "OK, Grace. This is our first session. You don't have to talk about anything you don't want to. Let's start small, OK?" I nod. "OK, sounds good. Who is that hottie that was sitting in the waiting room? Tate.. something?" She chuckles. "You think he was cute? He's a.. I'm not allowed to give out patient information, but.. I'm sure you'll see him again." She smiles. I lean back in my seat. "How long is his session, I'd like to be out of here when he does?" She chuckles again. "I'm not sure, Grace. I'll try to make this quick, OK? We just need to reassure your mother that you're OK for now." I put my fingers to my chin. "Yeah I'm pretty positive I'm not going to stab myself again, that sucked. As far as cutting? I.. will work on it?" She nods and scribbles some more. "Well, Grace I think we got some good things out in the open here. What I want you to do is start a journal and then we can talk about what's bothering you when I see you next. Next time you feel like cutting, write down how you're feeling and why you want to cut." She hands me a notebook and shakes my hand. I dart out of the room and look around. Mom is waiting in the car and the door Tate went inside is still closed.

                   I go up to the counter, "Hi, um, is Tate still.. in session?" The receptionist smiles, "sorry, I'm not allowed to give out that information." Ugh seriously? "Great.. thanks for nothing." I sit down in the chair and wait. Finally after what seemed like forever, the door opened. He walks out and throws his hood over his head. He heads for the door and I walk behind him. He holds the door for me, "Thanks!" He nods and puts his hands in his pockets as he walks down the steps. "Hey, um.. do you know what time it is?" He pulls out his phone. "5:45." He doesn't even turn to look at me. Playing hard to get, huh? "Thank you! Oh, would you happen to know where the closest.. grocery store is?" He shakes his head and goes to an old black '70 Ford Maverick. He pulls out his keys and starts to get inside. "Shit! This is your car?! Wow! It's so amazing I-" He closes the door and starts the car. Wow. That was rude. "Grace! What are you doing get over here!" Mom saves the day once again.

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