Chapter 14

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                    I got to ride in the ambulance with Tate. We got to the hospital and I sat by his side as much as they would let me. Finally, after being in surgery and ICU for a while, I was able to stay by his side. I held his hand and cried into his chest. "Tate.. please pull through..." He had a heartbeat, but the doctor said it would be a miracle if he survived this. He lost so much blood and cut "down the stream" intention to die. He was in the hospital for two days and I stayed with him the whole time. The nurses brought me blankets while I slept on the couch in his room. Day three. I was sitting by his side once more, I held his hand tight and rested my head against his hand. I felt tightening on my hand and I shot up. Tate was looking at me, smiling. "Tate! Oh my god you're alive! You're ok!" Tate smiled, "I'm glad you're here." I laid on the bed and rested my head on his chest.

                   "Why'd you do that.. you left me." Tate sighed and rubbed my arm as I cradled myself over his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I couldn't see what was right in front of me. I thought I lost everyone I ever cared about. I had no family left, no nothing. Then I realized what I did to you. You were the only one that has ever been nice to me and faithful. I'm so sorry I hurt you and was such an ass to you. I guess.. I was just trying to find a way to cope with all the shit that was going on." I looked up at Tate and he had tears in his eyes. "I'm fucking stupid Grace. I never should have treated you the way I did and I never should have gotten us in this mess." I smiled at him and reached up for a kiss. "Honestly Tate, I was a mess before I met you. You fixed everything in my life, including me. Yes, you hurt me, but I understand. I can't imagine how hard it would be to lose all your family." Tate looked out the window and remained silent.

                      Day five. Tate is finally getting released from the hospital today, and we're heading back home. I'm going to try to convince mom if he could stay with us again. Tate and I held hands the whole ride home and kept an uncomfortable silence. When we finally arrived at the house I looked over at Tate. "I can't do this.." He leaned over and kissed me and slid his hand through my hair, hand rested on the back of my head. He leaned back and looked at me. "Grace, I'm here. It's going to be ok." I looked down at his bandaged wrists and felt a lump in my throat. I'm so glad I didn't lose him.. we got out of the car and started to walk up to the door when I heard a squeal come from the apartment. I looked up to see Ada looking out the window. Tate grabbed my hand and I looked up at him as he smiled down at me. I took a deep breath as we walked up the stairs. Mom threw the door open and stared at us.

                    We stopped in front of her and I felt tears building up in my eyes. I was both scared and so glad to see her. She walked up to me and hugged me. "Grace.. don't do that again.." I nodded and we cried together. Tate stood back and Ada and Jake came out the front door as well. Ada ran over to Tate and hugged his waist. "You guys are back!" Jake walked over and hugged mom and I. Mom stood back and looked at Tate. She looked down at his bandaged wrists and back at me. "Mom, I know we were stupid and made mistakes, but Tate has nobody.." Mom nodded, "Ok Grace, he can stay with us again, but one more mistake and he's gone." Tate smiled and mom walked over to hug him as well.

                Tate and I got to stay in the same room as long as we kept the door open. Tate was laying on my bed, arm behind his head. I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat. "Fuck, I know we're trying to be better and everything, but I could really use something right now." I looked up at him. "Yeah, I know what you mean, but it's not worth it. Tate sighed and got up, pushing me down on the bed. He raised my hands above my head and started to kiss me.

                 We were finally going back to school tomorrow and I was not excited. Tate was going to a different school and that made me nervous. I was going to have to repeat the ninth grade because I missed too much. I woke up at 6:00 a.m. so I could take a shower and take my time to beautify. When I was ready and it was time to go to school, I leaned in, rubbing Tate's arm to wake him up. He grunted and swung his arm a me. "Too early.." I chuckled, "hey crazy get up!" He sighed and sat up. His shirt was off and his hair was a sexy messy. I sat on his lap and kissed him. He picked me up and twirled me around. "Damn, I wish I was going to your school. You're going to have another dude snatch you away looking like that." I smirked. "Yeah ok..." He quickly brushed his hair and dressed in black. I was jealous. His efforts were so little to get ready, yet he still looked sexy as hell.

                  He sighed and grabbed his keys. "Ready?" I sighed, "ugh, no." He smirked and we made our way to my school. People looked as the Maverick gracefully made its entrance. Tate had a shorter muffler on it, so it was very loud. I leaned over and kissed him and got out of the car. He took off and I kept my head down as I entered the building. When I entered Mr. Drum's classroom, I saw Emily. I smiled at her and sat down. She got up and walked over to me, "where have you been?" I looked up at her and smiled. "Ugh, it's a long story. I'll tell you later?" She nodded and leaned down to hug me. I was shocked, but I hugged her back. Ryan came into the room and glared at me. I put my head down and tried to ignore him.

                   After class, Ryan followed close behind me before I finally snapped. "What do you want Ryan?" He smiled. "Your boyfriend isn't here to help you now." I rolled my eyes and tried to walk away. Ryan grabbed my arm and spun me around. "I met a guy named Paul the other day." I felt my heart sink. "And?" I tried to sound cocky, but I had a croak in my voice. "Turns out he's not so happy with you either. You know he goes to this school right?" "Whatever Ryan, I'm not afraid of you or him." Ryan smirked and walked away. I quickly texted Tate.

Grace: Tate! Ryan just threatened me and said that Paul goes to my school also. What do I do?

               I waited impatiently for his next text, but it was time for second period. I shifted in my seat and felt my hands get sweaty. I kept darting my eyes at the door when I would see people walk by. I felt my pocket vibrate and I looked down to see a text by Tate. "Grace, put your phone away or I will take it." I looked up, "sorry Ms. Files." I felt my stomach in a knot and leaned back in my seat. Finally, class was over and I walked over to my locker to check the text.

Tate: I called your mom and she's coming to get you. Tell me if they try anything.

                 I leaned against my locker and sighed. Thank god. I was walking to the office when I got pushed from behind. I fell to the floor and spun around to see Paul and Ryan standing in front of me. I quickly stood up, but Ryan pushed me back down. "I know where you live now.." Paul had a smirk as those words escaped his mouth. I sat on the floor, my eyes wide. Ryan leaned down and picked me up by my throat. My eyes darted to people all around us, but they were either distracted by their phones or their friends next to them. It was too loud for anyone to hear us. I grabbed Ryan's hands as he squeezed harder. I couldn't breathe, my face was turning red. He dropped me and I fell to the floor again. I gasped. I held my throat and tried to get up to get away. They both grabbed each arm and pulled me into a supply closet.

               Ryan put his hand over my mouth as Paul tried to find tape. I let out muffled screams, but there was no point. Paul smiled as he taped my mouth and nodded at Ryan as I was restrained in Ryan's arms. Paul started to punch me in the stomach and face. When I was nice and weak, Ryan dropped me and they both kicked and punched me. Paul pulled out his knife and cut my legs and stomach. I tried to scream, but they would kick me in the head every time I would. They finally stopped and laughed as they walked out the door. I could their laughing and talking retreating further down the hall. I reached up and pulled the tape off. I was weak, but I forced myself to gain enough strength to pull my phone out. First I dialed 911 and then I called my mom. "Baby, where are you? I'm here at the office at your school and they said they called your class, but you're not in there." I tried to keep enough energy to tell her where I was, but I couldn't. I passed out.

               Thank god I told the police where I was. I awoke in the hospital. I don't know how many times I've been in the hospital, more times than I can count I guess. The police were in the room with me and took no time to ask me what happened. "It was Ryan and Paul. They beat me and Paul cut me." After giving my report, the police left and mom rushed to my side. "They'll find them baby. I'm so glad you're ok though." I was still in the hospital when Tate got out of school and he rushed over when he learned where I was. I explained everything to him and he was shaking. "Are you fucking kidding me?! Does he want to fucking die! I'm going to kill them. I don't even fucking care." I grabbed his hand. "Tate, let the police deal with this. I don't want to lose you."

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