Chapter 4 Aunt Kaitlyn

Start from the beginning

"What about James?"

"He makes me feel safe. I know he cares about me and will never hurt me. I think I remind him of his sister."

"You do have an uncanny resemblance. It's not just you hair color and size, it's the way you move, the way you look into his eyes when you talk to him. Like you have known him forever. What do you feel sitting with me?"

"I feel safe. You're kinda wondering what you got yourself into." Kaitlyn laughed.

"You do have a special gift Addie. You're seeing auras. That is a healer's gift."

"Damn...I always wanted to be a healer, dreamed about it forever."

"Let us make a deal. I'll teach you to read, play music and sing and walk and talk like a lady of quality."

"Yea, and I'll never complain, no how. You gots my most sincere promise," Adrianna said with conviction.


James was walking past the library when he heard Adrianna shouting, "Bloody hell, these damn books keep falling."

"You're actually doing good Addie!" Kaitlyn laughed. "Just put one on your head this time and cross the room. Sway your hips a little too."

"I don't want to walk like some stinking whore!" Adrianna responded.

"You won't be, there you got it. You're walking with grace now."

"Hell yea!"

"Ladies don't say hell yea or bloody hell or stinking whore."

"Sorry Aunt Kaitlyn, I keep forgetting."

James was laughing with delight as he walked past the library. He wanted to peek in but restrained himself. He had been away frequently on business over the last few weeks, and really wanted to spend some time with Adrianna, as he enjoyed seeing her progress. He would see her soon enough at dinner. His aunt appeared unflappable as she coached Adrianna. Obviously she was enjoying herself.

James waited in the small dining room sipping wine when the ladies entered. James stood, "Aunt Kaitlyn, Addie." And seated his aunt first then Adrianna noting her graceful movements. She sat without her usual plop. "Has it been fun so far? You have been working for over four months now."

"Yea (Adrianna gave a slight cough, her face flushing) yes, James," she corrected smiling brightly, "I'm having fun."

"And the reading?"

"It's coming slowly."

"Addie is going to sing for us after dinner," Kaitlyn added.

"I'm looking forward to hearing you," James said softly as Adrianna blushed. James had difficulty concentrating on his dinner. Adrianna looked so beautiful in her new dark blue dress. She was putting on weight, her figure less girlish and more like a woman. Kaitlyn had put her hair up with a long curl dangling at each ear. She had a matching dark blue ribbon in her hair. "How did your shopping expedition go?"

"I bought this dress, do you like it?"

"Very much."

"And I got a red one too, and shoes. Walking shoes and socks for when we leave for the Republic."

"How's the sale of the villa going?" Kaitlyn asked.

"The sale closed today. The new owner will keep the current staff. That is a relief."

"Who bought the house?" Adrianna asked.

"Gerard, the head of the Vigilees."

"Isn't he a distant cousin on your mother's side?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Yes, I'm glad the villa will remain in the family." After dinner Adrianna sat playing a guitar and sang, Kaitlyn joining her. James found she had a sweet voice. Hearing her sing flooded his mind with memories of another young woman who sang for him. James had difficulty breathing and hoped that his tears would go unnoticed. "That was absolutely lovely."

"When do we leave?" Adrianna asked.

"Two or three weeks. I'll book passage tomorrow. You both need to pack. Addie, I want you to have Helen's jewelry."

"I can't...thank you so much James...I just...can't." Adrianna was crying when she ran from the couch in the library she had been sitting on. James just sat dumbfounded.

"Go to her!" Kaitlyn urged. James followed her. She was in her room and as it was open he entered. She lay on the bed sobbing. He sat next to her caressing her back lightly.

"I want you to have them Addie." She sat up and he held her, lifting her onto his lap.

"You have been so good to me. I don't understand it. I'm just a little gutters-wipe, a thief, and still you treat me like family."

"I'm very fond of you Addie."

"I'm not your sister James, I'm just me. A simple girl who loves you." James held her tighter. He held her until she finished crying and fell asleep. He lay her down on the bed her feet were bare as she had discarded her slippers earlier in the day, so he simply covered her with a blanket.

"I love you too Addie," he whispered then gently kissed her cheek and left the room.

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