Chapter 3 Between a rock and a hard place

Start from the beginning

"My cousin Addie, she came to help with Helen. Helen died before she got here, so I asked her to stay. She was startled awake by our thief, thank the gods she was untouched. She's terrified as you can see." James handed Gerard the clay figure. "He took off down the hall."

They walked together down the hall and stopped at the open window. "Did the thief get anything?"

"I think not. Addie awoke and started shrieking and I rushed in."

"I would like to look around."

"Yes, of course. I'll be with Addie if you need me. She's really shaken."

"I'll need to question her."

"Of course, could you wait until morning, she's just a girl. She's lived a pampered life in the country."

"Tell you what James, you talk to her and tell me anything she is able to relate."

"Thank you, I will."

"Your family has been through enough the last few weeks. Your sister dieing and your parents lost at sea. Take care of the girl."

"I plan on just that." James saw the men out and returned to his sisters' room. He gathered the scattered clothes from the bathroom floor and returned to the bed side.

"Thank you," she whispered. "What do I call you?"

"James, Cousin James of course."

"Are you going to sleep with me?" she looked terrified as she spoke. James put his hands on her cheek cradling her face gently as he knelt next to her.

"No. Sleep now. I couldn't save my Helen, but I can help you."


"'re a beautiful woman."

"You need glasses," she said with a yawn.

"But mostly I like you Addie." He kissed her forehead and blew out the lamp and left her.

"I'll run away!"

"I got your clothes Addie, and I serve a really great breakfast. Until tomorrow Addie. Please let me help you."


A light tapping at her door awoke Adrianna. "Come it."

"Good morning Addie." James opened a large wardrobe and selected a light green day dress that Adrianna liked immediately. He put the dress along with a petticoat on the bed with a matching pair of slippers. "These should fit you better. Helen had a very rapid weight loss and I had her clothes altered. The red dress was her favorite. That I left unaltered. Use the shower bath and just knock on my suite door when you're ready. I'm glad you chose not to run."

"You had my clothes."

"That I did," James laughed. "I'll serve breakfast when you're ready."

"I could get used to being served," she laughed smiling at James.

"Don't take too long, I'm starving."

Adrianna left the soft warmth of the bed. She still wore the red dress. She relished the luxury of a second shower and stayed in the shower until all the hot water was used, and after drying herself, and braiding her hair, dressed. She saw a small black box under the dress. It was wrapped in paper and she recognized her name on the box. She opened it, and gasped when she saw the delicate gold necklace with a single pearl. She put on the necklace and looked at herself in the mirror. The small buttons at the back of the dress were miss buttoned so she re-buttoned them using the mirror. Then crossing the bath room she knocked gently on the door.

"Come in Addie." James stood as she entered the room and he took her hand leading her to a small table, and two chairs. The table had a white lace cloth covering it. James pulled out the seat and motioned her to sit. "You look beautiful this morning."

"You really need glasses," she laughed, "Thank you. I've never been accused of beauty. I love the dress and the necklace."

"They are yours to keep Addie. I have bacon, eggs, black pudding, ham and strawberries. What would like, and oh toast too."

"A little of everything please." James served her a plate then joined her.

"Who did the cooking?"

"I have an excellent cook."

"This is like a dream, but I know it will end."

"Why do you say that?"

"I can't just stay here forever."

"Not forever, but you could come with me to the Republic."

"As your mistress?" she asked looking into his eyes. James blushed.

"I was thinking cousin, or friend. I'll never use force or coerce..."

"I was teasing James. I really should get back to my family."

"You know they called the Vigilees?"

"No, I didn't."

"Then why go back."

"My uncle bought me an apprenticeship with a healer. I want to be a healer. He showed me the paper."

"You read it?"

"Can't read," she said blushing.

"You trust your uncle then?"


"Addie, apprenticeships are only open to healer guild members. You are night soil guild." Adrianna was silent for a long time. She had suddenly lost her appetite.

"It was all a lie," she said as despair swept her and her eyes teared.

James took her hand in his. "In the republic healers are chosen by merit, not birthright. Come with me." He reached gently taking her chin in his hand and lifting her head until she was looking into his eyes. "Come with me cousin. I'll pay for your schooling. I'll teach you to read."

She stood and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as she wept. "Yes, I'll come."

"Then sit and finish your strawberries."

"I love strawberries." Adrianna's appetite was ravenous as she easily polished off two eggs, two strips of bacon, a slice of ham and toast. She was on her second helping of strawberries when she spoke. "James, tell me one thing."


"Why are you being so good to me? I'm just a thief, a common thief."

"You are no common thief. You're the infamous Clay Man. I couldn't save my Helen, my little sister. It broke my heart. But you I can save, besides you remind me of her."

"I saw her picture. She was beautiful, I'm...

"You are beautiful. Someday you will see it too. I found this tool in your pockets. I'm having your clothes cleaned."

"That's my lock pick. It was my Dad's, thank you."

"Show me how the tool works." Adrianna laughed as she opened the tool and explained the various tools it contained. "Can you teach me to use the tool?"

"Yes, you're planning on taking up a new career?" she laughed.

"No, just curious. You teach me to pick locks, I'll teach you to read."

"You're serious?"

"Yes. Would you care to accompany me on a carriage ride through the city? I'll buy you lunch."

Adrianna wore a wide brimmed straw hat as they rode through the wide streets of the Imperial City. They had a late lunch at an exclusive riverside cafe as she listened to James talked about his sister. He needed to talk about her and Adrianna was an excellent listener. Just talking about his loss and heart break helped to lessen the awful pain the seared his soul. Adrianna said little about her life. She felt more at ease with James than she had felt with any man she had ever met. She felt safe and cared for as they laughed and made small talk. She realized she was falling in love with him. Her heart ached as she realized he was a man she could never have. When James married it would be to a real lady, one who stole his heart, not a common thief like her.

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