chapter 2 - The Jenna Thing

Start from the beginning

From 1.01 "Pilot", in the church, Madison, Peyton, Lucy and Pen were sitting on their pew.

Lucy looked at the A text.

Emily: (voice over from 1.01 Pilot) "Only Alison could have known."

From 1.01 "Pilot", in Pen's hotel room, Pen looked at her A text, shaking her head. "No. Not again."

From 1.01 "Pilot", in the Marin House's foyer, Ashley, Hanna and Marin were talking to an officer and Wilden.

"We received a call from Rosewood Mall security," Wilden told her. "They have your daughters on tape."

From 1.01 "Pilot", in the mall, Hanna and Madison took the escalator down, walking away past a security guard.

Hanna put the sunglasses that she hadn't paid for on.

Madison was still wearing the scarf that she had put on and never paid for.

Wilden: (voice over from 1.01 Pilot) "Shoplifting a pair of sunglasses and a scarf."

From 1.01 "Pilot", in Maya's room, Maya sat on her bed. She took some weed and a lighter out of the box, sitting on her bed. "You want to join me?"

Emily considered for a moment, nodding, walking closer. "Okay."

Emily sat on the bed.

"First time?" Maya asked.

Emily nodded. "Yes."

"So I'm corrupting you," Maya told her. "You okay with that?"

"Yeah," Emily answered. "I am."

From 1.01 "Pilot", outside the St. Germain House, Emily and Maya kissed.

From 1.01 "Pilot", outside the Hasting House, Spencer, Peyton, Melissa and Wren stood nearby the barn.

Peyton: (voice over from 1.01 Pilot) "Meeting Melissa's fiance."

"I'm Wren," Wren told them.

From 1.01 "Pilot", in the Hasting House's kitchen, Spencer was wearing a bikini. Wren was wearing swimming trunks.

Wren stood behind her. He began to massage her shoulders.

"That's awesome," Spencer told him.

From 1.01 "Pilot", outside the Field House, everyone was gathered at the crime scene.

Lucy, Mara, Peyton and Spencer stood outside of their houses with the rest of the crowd of neighbors nearby, watching what was happening.

Emily walked closer. "Guys!"

"Emily," Lucy told her.

They embraced.

Peyton hesitated. "They found Alison."

"I knew she was back," Emily told them. She turned away. "Is she inside?"

"Emily," Mara told her. Emily turned to them. Spencer had tears in her eyes. "They found Alison's body."

Emily was stunned, disconcerted.

They watched the nearby EMTs wheel away the body toward the ambulance.

From 1.01 "Pilot", in the church for the funeral, Alison's coffin was on a podium, surrounded by flowers, and a picture of Alison where she was smiling, and looking happy.

In one pew at the front, Lucy, Peyton and Madison were sitting together.

Pen saw them, looking at her friends in relief.

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