Part 41

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WARNING TO YOUNGER READERS - this next part does contain some quite heated scenes! ;) I have tried to keep it light and tasteful, but for any more sensitive people... just thought I should warn you just in case! :)         

I awoke to feel the afternoon sun on my back shining in through a slit in the curtains. With a groan I attempted to role away from it to find that my arms and legs were too intertwined with Jamie’s for me to move. My movement disturbed him and his eyes opened sleepily to look down at my face which rested on his chest.


My mouth twitched into a smile but slowly my warm blissful feelings turned dark as guilt seeped into me. I couldn’t believe that I had actually given in and bitten him; although a part of me was secretly glad that I had, which made me feel even worse. “Hey,”

He ran a hand across my cheek, lingering at the corner of my mouth, his mouth turned down as he analyzed my expression; “Do you regret it?”

              I considered his question; I was sad that I had hurt him, and maybe slightly disappointed in the way that we had finally ended up sleeping together… but that was only because I knew that if we weren’t both feeling so intoxicated at the time (me from his blood and him from my endorphins,) then we probably would never have gone that far… but on the other hand, there was no denying that it had been amazing, and now that we had there was nothing to stop us in the future… but no,

I met his eyes, now sure that my words would be true; “No, I don’t regret it… I think that we are…” I searched for the right word, “more than good together, I mean it felt… “I couldn’t put into words how good it was, I was afraid it would sound far too cheesy,


“Yes, absolutely perfect,”


“How do you know there is a but?”

“I can tell by your expression.”

“Oh, well… I’m not sure we should do it again,”

“What! Why?”

“Have you tried to move yet?”


              I raised an eyebrow so he shifted so that he could sit up and stretch; I didn’t miss his wince;

“How bad is it?”

“It’s not too bad.”

“Oh yeah?” with a frown I examined his body, ignoring the little thrills it sent through me; There was the bite mark on his neck which I hoped looked worse than it was with the dried blood around it, and to my chagrin several sets of fingernail marks across his back along with several angry looking bruises which roughly matched the shapes of my hands. I raised an eyebrow sadly.

“Honestly I’ve had worse training, this is nothing.” I must have still looked skeptical so he continued, trying to lighten the mood; “besides… I think we might have found an outlet for your high… emotions after you have been feeding, with a bit of practice…” he trailed off suggestively.

Although I was still upset I was unable to resist grinning naughtily at the thought. “We really shouldn’t…”

He rolled so he was on top of me, his warm body pressing against mine, “you really think that?”

              Without waiting for an answer he kissed me, and within moments his tongue was slipping into my mouth as his hands began to roam my body again. I knew I was completely powerless to resist as I responded hungrily to his touches, quickly becoming breathless even though I didn’t need the oxygen.

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