part 2

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My forth lesson passed slowly. Anna appeared to enjoy English, noting things down quickly and efficiently for the essay we were supposed to be writing. I on the other hand was bored. I already know almost everything there is to know about school subjects. I have repeated school and university many times over the years. It only becomes interesting when something new is discovered, or invented, because then the lessons are different for a while when they teach us it. Thankfully we had to work in silence, so I didn't have to bother talking to Anna.

             When the bell rang for lunch, Anna closed her book with a sigh, then quickly grew cheerful again as she realized what the time was. I was already standing with my books packed in my bag as she began scrambling around collecting her stuff.

            Two minutes later, we were walking along the corridor together.

"So who else are we sitting with?" I purposely kept my voice light and innocently curious.

"Today we are sitting with David... that's David Dickens" Her eyes narrowed, "but do not tease him about his name, he hates it"

"Don't worry, I won't"I smiled reassuringly, she looked suspicious for a moment, then brightened.

"We also usually sit with Sophie and Will Lacie, they're twins, but they are still on holiday, they went last Saturday, they will be back next Monday I think." I felt a twinge of pain at the name Will, so similar to William... but I quickly suppressed it, forcing it right down in the back of my mind. Now was not the time.

As we entered the canteen, she said "do you want to come through the food queue with me? When I confirmed that I wasn't eating her brow creased for a second, then smoothed," I'll show you where we sit" as we walked through the room, she said "we usually sit at the table in the corner, over there" she pointed.

            My eyes zeroed in on the table, with a jolt I realized that it was the strange boy from chemistry who sat alone on one side. His expression froze in place when he glanced up and noticed us, not us I realized- me. He watched cautiously us as we approached. He smiled, but it seemed slightly artificial. When we got to the table, Anna, oblivious to his mood began making introductions "Hi David, this is Jade, is it okay if she sits with us?" without waiting for an answer she continued "oh and jade this is-"he politely extended his hand towards me, but I didn't take it. I couldn't let him touch my icy skin, a sure sign that something is different about me. 

"David, we've already met. I sat next to you in chemistry yesterday" Anna frowned at me,

"Well why didn't you say something?"

"I didn't find out his name yesterday" I made myself grin sheepishly for a second; she gave me a searching look before heading off towards the food. I looked back at David,  Smiling warmly to make up for avoiding his hand.

"So... is it all right if I sit?"

He managed a grin that only looked slightly forced as he watched me. After a second he replied

"Sure, why not" he took a bite of his pizza as I sat then focused on me again.

"Are you not going to eat anything?"

I smiled my best smile at him, causing him to blink and lean back slightly, making sure I didn't reveal all of my teeth. Even retracted, my fangs are still sharper then the average humans canines. "I'm not hungry, I had a big breakfast, and my mum will have made dinner when I get home anyway." He nodded to himself as if this confirmed something. Patience clearly doesn't come with age; this boy was starting to irritate me.

 I stared into his eyes as I reached out lightly with my mind, and tried to feel what his problem was, all I could get was a sense of mistrust, and confusion... with an undercurrent of anger. I couldn't get any specific thoughts or reasons. This was strange, I have a very powerful mind, the only way he could be blocking me was if his mind was very strong and he knew what I was doing. But there was only one way he could know that, and that was if he knew what I am. But that was impossible... there was no possible way...

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