Part 38

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              I knew there was no use in staying in the village any longer. I doubted I could find any more answers from the limited sources available and it was clear that the vampire, - I was reluctant to say my sister- would not be coming back anytime soon. She had visited the graves, which I guessed was her purpose for coming and now she was probably trying to get as far away from us as possible. It’s what I would do.

              Jamie didn’t argue as I led him back to the hotel, he was unusually silent as he followed behind me and I guessed he was deep in thought about something. When we entered our room I threw Jamie the room service menu which was sitting neatly on the desk. It only took me moments to pack up my belongings and have my bags sitting ready on my bed.

              When his food arrived and he settled down to eat I had nothing left to do but pace up and down the room which seemed to be getting smaller by the second. I was too agitated and full of nervous energy to remain still.

              After about five minutes he stopped eating and glared at me,

“Do you have to do that?”

I made my smile apologetic, “sorry.”

              In one quick movement I jumped over to the bed and sat perfectly motionless with my legs crossed.  After a couple of minutes of silence he snorted,

“I think I preferred it better when you were moving,”

I managed to resist for almost a minute before I broke into laughter, he stared at me bemused for a second before joining in. I wasn’t even really sure what I was laughing at, but it felt good to release the tension that had been coiling in my body.

              As we gradually faded into silence his eyes met mine from across the room. Small tingles ran through me as I watched him, the hunger in his eyes matched mine as I remembered the events from earlier in the day and I could feel myself leaning towards him…

              Abruptly I stood up and made an effort to look away from his piercing gaze. It would be all too easy for me to give in to him and my desires, but what if I did? and what if he died? When I managed to speak my voice came out sharp and clipped;

“Are you done?”

His tone matched mine, “yes.”

“Good, let’s go.”

              The guy looked slightly surprised when we checked out but didn’t comment. I guessed he didn’t get a lot of people randomly deciding to leave late after dinner on Christmas Eve.

              When I slid into the smooth leather seat of the car I leaned my head back and sighed. Once Jamie was in I started the engine listening to the low purr for a moment before backing out of the car park.

              Once I had been driving for over twenty minutes Jamie finally turned to look at me;

“Where are we going now? “


He contemplated that for a few seconds before replying, “Why?”

I glanced over and met his eyes for an instant before looking back at the road, they were open and questioning without a hint if his earlier annoyance. Reassured I spoke carefully, “there are some things that I need to tell you… things that no hunter has ever been allowed to know before.” I could tell I had his full attention by the heavy silence in the car, but I hesitated; unsure of how best to explain without making him overly angry or offended. Finally his impatience one out;

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