Part 23

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I was vaguely aware of being lifted up and carried from the building as I faded in and out of consciousness. I was suddenly jolted awake by a loud bang that shook the frame of the car I was now in before the world dissolved again…

              The next time I woke up to Julia arguing with Jamie about what to do about the arrow that was still imbedded in my back. She shouted at him from the driver’s seat;

“Pull it out!”

He hesitated “I’m not sure I can,”

“Pull it out now! Or she’ll just get worse!”

“Ok! I’ll do it.”

              He carefully gripped the shaft and pulled. I screamed as the pain hit and I faded into unconsciousness yet again.


              The next time I became aware of my surroundings I realized I felt strangely warm. I breathed in Jamie’s clean scent and realized I was on his lap. We were still in the car. I groaned,

“Why is it that since I met you I seem to end up unconscious all of the time?”

He sounded relieved, “Jade?”

I ignored him, “I haven’t passed out in decades you know. But just lately… hmm.”

              When his arm tightened around me I fully realized where I was. I hurriedly sat up and moved over to the next seat. I couldn’t tell from his expression whether he was hurt or not, but I didn’t want to risk being that close to him. Just sitting where I was, he smelt extremely tempting… in more ways than one.

I focused on the situation;

“Julia, where are we going?”

“We thought we’d go back to the mansion until things blow over.” Her voice was slightly clipped, and now she knew I would be ok I could tell she was still slightly annoyed with how I had snapped at her earlier. I would have to apologize later.

“Where is Chris?”

“He’s in the car behind us, he’s driving Anna and David.” Here voice showed her distaste,

“What!  Why are they coming?”

“He insisted it was safer for them.”

              I frowned, that was not like him… although it would be better to know that they were ok, I wasn’t sure if there would be any repercussions from the warehouse. A sudden thought occurred to me;

“Did you… clean up the warehouse?”

“Yes, I broke into a building nearby… there was a nice supply of petrol in there.”

Well that explained the loud bang that I had heard then.

“Did you make sure there was no evidence left behind that could link to us?”

“Of course.”

“What about the woman?”

“What woman?”

“The one that shot me!” I looked at Jamie, he shrugged;

“I don’t know, she was unconscious so I focused on getting you out. I don’t know what happened to her.”

Julia glanced back,                                       

“I didn’t see her when I went back in with Chris… you could ask him though.”

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