Epilogue part 1

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I had the test in my hands. Only one minute until I knew for sure. It's been many years since the night Conner asked me to be his girlfriend. 3 years later, when we were 19, he preposed to me. Then 1 year later we got married. That all happened a year ago.

I've feeling kinda sick for a week. I was lightheaded, throwing up, and my last period was 5 weeks ago. That when the idea came to me. I ran to the drugstore down the street and bought a pregnancy test.

Now I was sitting here waiting. A beep brought me out of my later flashback. I stared at the little white stick. Two lines were on the little screen. That confirmed my thoughts.

How was I gonna tell Conner? Did he even want a baby? I mean, we're only 22, isn't that a little young to have kids?

My superhearing picked up the soft ring of my Justice League
communicator. I ran to our bedroom and put in in my ear. "This is Goddess, go ahead" I didn't pick that name but after seeing my elemental powers, Wally started calling my Goddess and it kinda stuck after that. I found myself liking the name so I chose it as my hero name.

"Goddess, there's a fire at Cadmus in Washington. We need you" The former Robin, who finally told me his name was Dick, said. I nodded even though he couldn't seen me. I threw on my suit, which was actually like Black Widow's except white and a (Favorite color) mask. I fly off, my mind racing about where I was heading.

When I got there I felt a case a of déjà vu. The building wasn't even a building anymore. I flew down and stared at the four man standing in the rubble, just talking until they saw me. I walked over to my husband and stood beside him.

"So, where's the fire?" I said with a mocking smile. Batman and the Flash smiled at me with sheepish girls, which was kinda strange cause when we were the Young Justice Batman never smiled.

"Long story short, we have a repeat of what happened that night before the team was formed. By the way, we have something to tell you" Flash said. Me and Superman looked at them with our eyebrows rised. "We should head to the watchtower for this"

After taking the zeta beams to the tower we all walked into meeting room, finding the other two female members of my old team. Megan smiled at me, brushing her now neck length hair out her eyes.

Each of us took off our masks and cowls as we sat down. Conner was on my right and Megan was on my left.. "Alright, Flash their was something you wanted to tell us?" I felt nervous at the news, or maybe that was me thinking about telling Conner I was pregnant.

"When we were in Cadmus we found out the a new scientist found the old Project Kr plans" Out the corner of my eye I saw Conner tense at Dick's words.
"She decided to start the project up again, using Conner's DNA and ...(Name)'s DNA"

Both of us looked at him shocked, along with every former Young Justice member in this room. Clones with me and Conner's DNA. I..I..I didn't know how to feel about this.

"There's more, the clone aren't like Conner" I looked at him confused. "Instead of aging a year by a week like Connor they aged naturally like the rest of us" Wait, that means...

"How old are they?" Artemis asked. Dick scratched his head.

"I'm not sure, but their somewhere between the age of 4 to 6" I looked at Conner, he wasn't angry, he looked shock, and yet, curious about these kids.

"Can we see them?" I heard myself ask. Dick looked us and nodded. He got up and motioned us to follow him. We did and we soon found ourselves in front of a big 1 one window next to a door. We looked inside.

There were two little kids. A boy and a girl. The boy had Conner's black hair and tan skin, but my (Eye Color) eyes. The girl had tan skin like the boy, long (Hair Color) hair, and Conner blue eyes. Both kids were a mix of the two of us. I don't think Dick had to take a DNA sample to tell I was the second DNA doner.The little boy was in a white solar suit with a bright red S on the chest. The girl also had a solar suit, but her was a dress with a hot pink S on the chest.

The boy was messing with his hands, something I saw Conner do when he was nervous or scared. He said that it helped him to keep his hands busy, this kid did the same thing as him. The girl was doing the sat thing, but instead of rubbing his hands together like her brother she was playing with a old rag doll that look like it had seen better days.

I looked over at Conner. "Do you want me to go in first?" Conner nodded, still a bit in shock at the kids. I sent him a smiled before heading in.

They both looked up at me. The girl, after staring at me for a minute, went back to her doll, only the movements she made with the doll were slowed. The boy kept his eyes on me as I walked over to the small girl. I sat down beside her. She dropped the doll and froze. I sat a hand on her shoulder, she gasped and looked up at me. I heard the boy get up from his seat.

I took my hand back. "I'm not gonna hurt you" She looked into my eyes, and I felt myself shiver. Her blue eyes, they held so much pain, so much fear, no child should have known so much sadness. She broke her stare and looked back at her doll. Then she took a leap of faith. "You wanna see Marinette?"

She talked to me! I nodded. She slowly handed me the old doll, my fingertips gently touching with her's. I got a closer look at the doll. Her hair was long, dirty blue black string, her face, arms, and legs were pale cloth, and she had bluebell blue buttons sewed in her head. She had a red dress with black spots all over. She was Marinette from that show miraculous ladybug.

I brushed back the strings coming from the head. "This is a pretty doll. Where did you get it?" The little girl smiled.

"The nice lady Milly gave her to me!" Milly must have been the scientist the started the project back up. The boy sat back down, seeing his sister wasn't in danger. The door opened and Conner came in. He slowly walked over to the boy and kneeled in front of him. I stayed with the girl. We played with Marinette and the boys talked. Small smiles and laughs were heard. I felt my heart melt for these kids.

Later they fell asleep. Dick bought in some pillows and blankets. I whispered to Conner. "Are you ok with this?"

Conner nodded, a smile on his face. "Yeah, if your ok with have kids this early"

Ok, I think now is the time to tell him. I took his hands and made eye contact. "Conner, there is something very important I have to tell you, and I'm not sure how you'll take this" Conner looked a bit worried. "It's nothing bad" I sad quickly. I took a deep breath and said it.

"I'm pregnant"

Conner's eyes widen. I bit my lip, should I have waited? Then he smiled bright. It was the biggest smile I had even seen on him. He picked me up and spun me around. I laughed. "We're going be parents?" He said happily.

I nodded. "We're going have 3 kids" I said, looking into the window at the sleep 4 year olds.

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