Time for Action

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Your POV

I sighed as I walked alongside Batman into Mount Justice. I were meeting my new teammates today, and they didn't even know they were getting a new member." Batman, I'm not sure this is a good idea" I said, trying to get him to call this whole thing off. I didn't even ask to join, more like I were forced.

Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman were on this mission taking down Lex Luther and Poison Ivy who had a team up for whatever reason. They were in a vine, literally, and before Superman or Wonder Woman could lift a finger, Batman spotted me. I used one of my powers, controlling fire, to free them, then using the rest of my powers to trap Ivy and Luther before disappearing. Batman, being the Batman, placed a tracking device on my navy blue hoodie.

They followed me to my home, an old abandoned warehouse, and asked me to join the team. Ok, so maybe I wasn't really forced, but I was a bit uncomfortable. I had been on my own for as long as I could remember. I couldn't remember anything about my family, who they were, what they did, things I didn't know.

Batman didn't respond to my comment, which I had guessed he won't. "Wait here" He told me as we two came up to the entrance. I stood in place, eavesdropping with my enhanced hearing. While I had elemental powers at birth, my senses were much like that of a kryptonian's. I had super hearing, strength and all the other senses thanks to being experimented as a child.

"You all have a new teammate" I heard the Dark Knight say. It was followed being some annoyed groans. "Why are we just hearing about this now?" An annoyed voice said. I could hear everyone's heartbeats. There one that stood out to me, it was faster, just enough for only my senses to pick up on. Faster than a normal beat by just one second. I had only heard it once, that night I met the heroes.

A kryptonian's heartbeat

Now I was a little surprised. As far I had knew, Superman was the only kryptonian on earth. Well, not counting his cousin Supergirl, but I knew she wasn't here. So who was?

"(Y/n), you can come in now" I walked into to room on the right side of Batman. "If you said it was a girl and she was hot I wouldn't be complaining" A boy with red hair said. I resisted the urge to walk up to him and slap him upside the head. Luckily I didn't have to because a girl with beautiful flowing blonde hair did it for me. Then a short kid who looked about 10 laughed. "Dude!"

I examined the remaining three. The boy with gills and blonde hair looked kind, very welcoming to me. The girl with green skin and red hair looked sweet, kind of like the girl who always looks for the bright side of things, always good to have someone like that around. But I froze at the one in the black shirt.

He looked exactly like Superman. He wore the trademark S shield on his chest, but that's where the similarity between the two supers ended. While Superman was bright colors and tights, this Superboy was dark colors and casual. He sported a black shirt with the symbol of the supers in red, blue cargo pants, and combat boots. He looked at me kinda shocked, maybe cause no one had heard about me till now.

Batman had left without a word, which I was guessing was pretty normal. The red haired girl walked up to me. "Hi, I'm Megan, nice to meet you" I smiled. This girl was sweet and welcoming, that was actually a nice change then most people I had met. Everyone wasn't really nice to a meta girl living on the streets.

The rest of them came up to me. Soon everyone had introduced themselves, Kaldur was the welcoming boy, the boy who I felt couldn't take a hint was Wally, the girl who I thanked for smacking him upside the the head was Artemis, The 13 year old who looked 10 was Robin and wouldn't tell me his real name, and the Superboy was named Conner.

About 2 hours later I was a little familiar with the team and my new home. Walking into the hanger I quickly hide because of the voices talking, more like arguing. I recognized both, one from the Watchtower and one from here. It was Superman and Superboy. They were yelling at each other. Now Megan and Wally had told me about the rough patch between the two when I had asked what it was like to have Superman as a dad. How was I suppose to know they weren't close?

After what felt like forever, I heard the zeta beam announce Superman leaving. I finally had the courage to look. Conner just stood there, head down, not moving.

I took a few quiet steps towards the boy, before realizing something, he wasn't standing still, he was shaking bad.

He fell to his knees. Tears fell to the floor. I couldn't resist it anymore. I slid on my knees beside him. I made him look up at me. Tearing were rolling down his face. I gathered the sad boy in my arms and held on. He didn't say anything, just hugged back.

I don't know how long we sat there like that, until Conner pulled away and rubbed his eyes. He sniffled before talking. "What are you doing here?" He rubbed the tears away. I helped him up.

"What did he say?" I knew what happened, the two got into it and what Superman had said made him finally break. I knew he would say something mean, but not what Conner was about to tell me.

"He said that I was a clone, I wasn't even a real person. That I'm not his son, and not his responsible" He said before the waterworks started up again. You know that feeling you get when you wanna kill someone, to make them suffer just because of one small little act, well that was how I felt right now.

But now wasn't the time, right now I had to help Conner. He rubbed at his eyes, embarrassed for crying in front of me. I took his hand and lead him to his room. I looked through his drawer and pulled out the soft pajamas I felt. After handed them to him I went to the kitchen.

I got a glass of water and I hit the medicine cabinet on the way back to his room. He was sitting on the bed, now dressed in the soft black sleep clothes. I handed him the pills and water. He looked at the pills, then back at me. I pointed at the blue pill. "This one is to help you calm down and relax" Then I pointed at the white pill. "And this one is to help you fall asleep"

He nodded then took the pills, draining the glass of water. I pulled back the covers. When Conner got comfortable I pulled the covers up to his chin. "Good night" I said turning out the light as I walked out the door.

"Hey (Y/n)?" I turned around

"Yes Conner?"

"Thanks" he said before closing his eyes, falling into what I hoped was a peaceful sleep. I smiled before walking to my room. I sat down on my bed. Now that Conner was taken care of, it was time for Clark Kent to get a lot of payback.

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