Rallying the others

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I was in the kitchen making breakfast  for me and Conner, while thinking of a plan to get back at Superman. (A/n: Megan lives with her uncle)

I sighed as my mind went blank for the third time. I was never good at revenge schemes, and right when I need a plan.

Recognize: Robin B 02

I jumped at the zeta beams. Robin came in smiling. "Morning (Y/n)" I smiled at him, then it hit me like a bag of bricks. Robin was the Protegé of Batman, and has ninja like abilities, he could help!

As I set the waffles on the table I turned to the boy wonder. "Robin, I need you help in the art of revenge" Robin looked up from filling a plate with two waffles.

"Alright, just two questions, who and why?" I had to think a second. I could tell him Superman, but that would definitely make him wanna know why, and I'm not sure if Conner wants anyone to know. Well, that's a risk I gotta take.

"(Y/n), you with me?" I was brought back when Robin started waving his hand in front of my face. I pushed his hand back and sighed.

"Superman. I wanna get back at Superman" Robin stared, and think if I saw his eyes he would be blinking. Alright, maybe I shouldn't have been so blunt.

Robin shrugged his shoulders, smiled and nodded. "A revenge plan on Superman, got it!" He grinned. Wait, did he just agreed to help me get back at the man of steel?

"That's it, you don't care about the why?" I couldn't stop myself from asking. The 13 year old nodded.

"We really don't need a reason, he's a guy who wouldn't accept a kid with his blood, Dna, and top it off, looks just like him! Yeah, he needs to be taken off that high horse" Robin and I smirked.

"But, we need some backup" I nodded. Then we heard footsteps. I looked at Rob and made a 'zip your lips' motion. He nodded and followed along. Conner came in, still dressed in the clothes he slept in. Robin looked at his wrist.

"Would you look at the time, well I have to get going. Later guys" he said, hopping off his chair. Before he went the zeta beams, he looked at me and winked before leaving.

Ok, have no clue what that was about. Conner sat down in the seat Robin had been sitting in, rubbing his eyes. I think the pills and sleep was still clouding his mind. I shrugged it off and sat in the sat in front of him, eating the waffles on the counter splitting the living room and kitchen.

"(Y/n)?" I looked up at my name being called. Conner was wide awake blinking rapidly. I sighed, about time he noticed.

"I've been sitting in front of you for five minutes" He looked down a little sheepish with a light pink blush on his face. It was actually kinda cute. Okay, that was a random thought.

I mean, I'm not gonna lie, Conner is handsome and any girl would be lucky to go out with him. I mean, I've only been here for a day and he's been nothing but nice to me.

Conner yawned into his hand. "Sorry, I guess I was out of it" He shrugged. I nodded. I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I pulled it out and read the message from...An unknown number?

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