A Moonlight talk and a Date

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I sighed as I looked at the beautiful night sky while leaning against the railing. I had gone a walk around Happy Harbor and right now I was on the sidewalk looking up at the stars. "Mind if I join you?"

I turned and saw Conner behind me. He walked up to the railing and leaned beside me. I smiled. "So, you and Superman are?" I asked, because had no clue what relationship the two had.

He laughed and looked at me. "I'm pretty sure it's father and son" My smile grew. "I can't believe you did all that that for me" I looked at him confused. "The whole payback plan"

"If it was reversed you would have done the same for me" He smiled and nodded. We both went back to looking at the sky in a comfortable silence. Then Conner broke it.

"Hey, um, would you wanna see a movie with me?" He asked as I turned to look at him. He was blushing and rubbing his neck. I smirked a little.

"Conner Kent, are you asking me on a date?" He blushed even more and nodded. "I'd love too"

After we went back to the Mountain, Artemis and Megan pulled me aside while outside the corner of my eye I could see Conner being pulled away by Robin and Wally. The girls were looking at me with bright smiles. Suddenly, I think knew what was going on. "You were spying on us?"

They stood there like deers in headlights. Normally I'd be mad, but I was too happy about my date with Conner. "You girl wanna help me get ready?" They both nodded. I took the females to my room and the magic began.

Artemis had picked out some clothes from her closet along with Megan's and mine and made an outfit which I fell in love with. (The picture of the girl is for the jacket)

 (The picture of the girl is for the jacket)

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And Megan did my makeup

And Megan did my makeup

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After I got dressed I went into the living room and turned on the TV playing static. You know, I kind of see why Conner liked watching this. It was just a soothing sound that echoed softly throughout the cave walls of the living room.

Conner walked in wearing a plain black shirt with a leather jacket, a pair of dark blue jeans and red sneakers. He walked up to me. "Wow, you look amazing"

"Thank you, and look handsome as always" I blushed deep red at what I had just said. I pouted when he started laughing.

"You ready for our date?"

"I smiled. "You bet I am" He grabbed my hand and we went to the movies. We saw this movie called Nerve. It about this industrious high school senior named Vee who was pressured by her friends to join this popular online game called Nerve, a game like truth or dare minus the truth.

Before we went back we walked along the beach near the Mountain. Right now, we were laughing about the crazy dare they had to do in the movies. "Remember when they were on the motorcycle?" We couldn't stop laughing at how terrified Vee was.

"I had a great time" I said as we walked out of the light of the zeta beams.

"Me too" As I went to my room I felt Conner pulling on my hand. I turned to face him. '(Y/n), I'd like to know if you'd be my girlfriend?" He had a smile on his face. The next thing I was aware of was that me and Conner were kissing with lots of passion. As we were kissing we heard shouting.

"Will you be quiet! Some of us are trying to sleep!" A voice that sounded like Robin yelled. I felt the blush on my face turn scarlet.

"Well good night"


With that we each went to our rooms. As I got dressed for bed I couldn't stop smiling. Conner Kent was my Boyfriend!

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