Chapter Twenty Two

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Third Person's POV

As night approached and there were no more worries (except for a horrified Leo of getting hit in the head with a frying pan by Nico).

Everyone came together and were watching The Notebook together.

"PST. Kyle. Pass the popcorn."
"No. Kyle don't."
"No Kyle."

"Leave me alone!" Kyle said laughing as he kept the popcorn to himself.

When the movie ended Amber and Leo exchanged a glance and nodded at each other.

Suddenly, Amber started to fake cough and pretend to be in pain. They all looked at her worriedly.
"Hey. You alright?"

She continued coughing as she stood up and pretended to trip over her feet and fell to the ground. Everything was silent until she began to twitch on the ground until she began to have a full body spasm.

Leo kept in his laughter and kneeled down next to her shaking her. "Amber. Amber are you-"

Leo screamed as Amber suddenly lunged at him and bit his arm and Leo struggled until he suddenly went limp. The others quickly shot up in order to help but when Leo began to twitch and spasm as well, everyone backed up slowly.

There was another moment of silence before both Amber and Leo got up and shrieked, beginning to run towards the others.

They all screamed and ran away in fear, leaving the two as a laughing mess.

"Did you-AHAHHAA-see that?" They spluttered as they practically rolled around the floor.

"I hate you!!" A voice ran out. Piper cake back into the room, jumping onto Leo and hitting him with a pillow.

Amber laughed as she watched, "I think you were finally successful with your plan."

Leo gave a lopsided grin as he escaped from Piper. "I agree."

Everyone gathered back into the living room, grouchy. "I hate you so much Leo, oh my gosh." Annabeth mumbled.

"Hey, it wasn't only me! It was Amber too!"

"Don't bring me into this. It was your plan since the beginning!"


The night had fallen and everyone found themselves outside in the backyard. They all found a place on a chair, bench or leaning back in the porch steps.

"I wonder where my mom is," Jessica said quietly as she leaned her head on Kyle's shoulder. She looked up at the stars with a small sigh.

"Me too," he replied," I wish I knew where my dad was. And why he left us."

Lee hummed, "My dad moved half way across the world to America for my mom and she still left. I just guess there are some horrible people in the world."

"Hey," Percy said quietly. "We're all like you guys. Only one parent out of our birth parents."

"Wait really? All of you guys?" Kyle asked.

Jason nodded, "We found out who they are. We did. But sometimes it's better to be content with what you know, you know?"

Jessica shrugged, "I guess. It just sucks knowing they left."

"It's not always on their own will."


"Sometimes there are circumstances whether they are good or not. Just love your single parents twice as much and don't get so caught up about it."

"Yeah. A better day always comes."

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