Chapter Six

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Annabeth's POV

We quickly went through all the introductions and started to joke around. But suddenly Percy turned to me.

"Uh.... Yeah?"
I asked him confused.

"How did you even get here?"
I laughed as his idiocity hadn't changed at all.

"Argus dropped me off. The others-"

Jessica stopped me. "Woah.. There are more?"

I nodded and smiled. "They should be here tomorrow..."

Percy nodded and groaned. "I'm bored....."

Lee laughed. "As always..."

Jessica and Kyle laughed as well.

I looked at Percy and smiled. He smiled back and I whispered to him. "So they don't know?"
He nods. "They will... Soon..."

"Wait.. Do the other Campers know?"
Percy's eyes widen. "Dammit... No...."

I groan. "We'll tell them all tomorrow..."
He grins idiotically and nods.

I laugh and we all look at each other.

Sally walked into the room. "Hi guys. So i called your parent or parents and they said it was okay. Do you guys want to sleep over here for the night?"

Jessica smiles and they all smiles. "Yup!"

Sally nodded and left.

Lee jumped up and down.
"Let's play would you rather!"

We all grinned. "Sure. Who goes first?"

Percy piped up. "Me!!!"

We all nodded and waited for him to ask one pf us. "Um.... Jessica.. Would you rather be forced to wear makeup and a dress, or have to miss playing one of your basketball games?"

Jessica glared at him. "Makeup and dress...."

Kyle laughed. "Get that on tape!!!"

We all shrugged.

"Okay. My turn. Kyle.... Would you rather of to date Steph. Or... Date Annabeth?"

He raised an eyebrow at Percy and Percy chuckled and nodded.
"Obviously Annabeth. I mean Who said i even liked being 100 feet close to Steph?"

Jessica smirked.

Kyle turned to me. "Annabeth... Would you rather have to watch a very close friend sacrifice them self in front of you or hvae to watch a close friend of yours turn evil and die?"

Percy's eyes widened and looked at Kyle indicating he'd said the wrong thing.

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