Chapter Four

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•¥•¥• Steph's POV •¥•¥•

Percy is like legit my boyfriend...
And what?!

This stupid blondie comes along and ruins my ENTIRE life..
Well, I'm going to have it fixed by going to a spa after school.

I sigh as I walk to the bathroom with my 2Million Dollar Loui Baton purse.

I unzip it as my prep sidekicks walk in behind me.

I take out a smaller Kate spade pouch and take out my makeup.

I sigh and I take out my eyeshadow pallet to reapply my eyeshadow. Gianna, One of the preps, steps next to me and starts to apply her red lipstick.

I take out my diamond incrusted iphone 6, and take a selfie. I huff and walk back out side. As soon as I do I see Percy, his gang, and that girl, Annabelle was it? Walk past me.

I walk to my locker and slam the door close and walk outside to my cadillac to drive to Starbucks for lunch.

•¥•¥• Jessica's Pov •¥•¥•

Percy's Girlfriend?

Not like we ever.. Doubted him.....


We kinda did.
I mean when he described he made her sound like a goddess!
But man..

Percy's girlfriend?
That Chic is Hot!

Kyle groans. "I can't drive today... I got grounded and they took my car for 1 month.."

I hit his back. "Smooth..."

Kyle screeched. "Oww!!" He ran ahead and grabbed Percy's shoulder and spinned him around.
Percy freaked. "Woah.. Dude, Kyle... Chill.. What's wrong?"

Kyle scoffs. "Jessica fricken hit me on the back!"

I snicker. "What? Kyle is gunna tattle tale? He's gwunna cwy? Aww. Baby gotta cry!!"

Kyle opens his mouth but quickly my boyfriend, Lee, Pops in. "Guys.. Chill.."

Percy just sighs and grabs me by the wrist and drags me inti his car with Annabeth.

he shouts to Lee, "My house!"

I groan. "I hate you! I could've won that argument!"

Percy raises an eyebrow. "You sure you hate me? Cause the other day you were thanking me so badly for helping you stop smoking."

I laugh. "Nope!" I take out a pack from my bag. "Not stopppin!"

Percy rolls his eyes and drives us to his apartment.

Did I ever mention, that as the ONLY girl in Percy's pack of friends.
Sally adores me.

She asks how I manage. Well.. I have my ways.. I just do...

He parks in the garage and we enter the apartment. At the lobby I run to the security guard, Billy, and I give him a high five.

He hands me a cupcake and wave my hands in the air.
"Haha! Beat ya Perce!"

He pouts. "You going to eat that?"

I shake my head. "No..."

"Can i have that? Please Jessica?"

I laugh. "No way. I'm giving go sweet kind Annabeth.."

I smile and walk over to Annabeth and hand her the cupcake. She asks me. "Um... Do I just eat it?"

I nod. "Well, I'll pass. I'm waiting for Mom's yummy cookies!!"

Lee comes in. "Your Mom??"

Annabeth swallows. "I-I mean Sally.. I've become so close to her, sometimes I accidentally call her mom..."

She all nod and go up the elevator to enter Percy's apartment.


Hey guys!

Like this story was saying,


I just used it in this short scene, It will never come up again. I just want to make sure it has not given you thoughts for influenced you to smoke!!

I'm sorry if this is annoying, but I am very self and drug conscious...


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