The second contained five cans of silly string, some Vaseline, some Veet and an air horn. We laughed. The third was what I counted as, I think, sixteen bottles of liquid soap. I held one up examining it. It was quite large so it would definitely work for us. This actually wasn't our prank. It was Ondina's. We like to get some inspiration from her so we may or may not have Skyped her last night.

Lucy pulled out a laptop. "Ready to call Ondina and Mimmi?"

"Let's do this. Mako style" I said as she hit call.

We waited for them to pick up and they finally did.

"Oh my god guys! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" Mimmi picked up

"Oh hey Mi! Is Dina there? We kind of need her. Prank war stuff..." I asked

"Oh not again. You three have to stop getting yourselves into such messes."

"What! They're fun. Listen this is Tia, Ondina met her last night while you were out with Weilan."

"Ah well it's nice to meet you Tia, I'll go get Ondina." She said as she walked out of the grotto and up the stair case. We waited patiently when she finally returned with an aggravated Ondina.

"Dina!" We screamed as she entered. This made her happy.

They both ran over and we could instantly see the joy in their faces.

"So do you have the stuff?" Ondina asked.

"Oh yeah!" Lucy replied.

"Perfect. Okay so this prank, it's an all nighter so take a nap as soon as we hang up. Got it?"

"Yep!" We all chorused.

"Okay so once they go to sleep, two of you sneak in their room. There you will take the Vaseline and the Veet. You kill their power switch temporarily using the spell in Mimmi's book and then proceed to put Veet in the middle of each of their eyebrows. You wait for a minute, cloaked, and then you wipe it off so they have what seems as four eyebrows. It's really funny. Especially on Cam. Right Mimmi?"

"Yeah that was pretty funny" Mimmi agreed.

"Okay so on your way out, you first open the door a crack so that you don't have to jump out a window, and then spread Vaseline all over it. While two of you are doing that, the other two are spreading the soap all over the tile stairs and hallway upstairs. Once the two who have shaved the eyebrows are done, they will give the soap spreaders a thumbs up so that they can blow the air horn causing the four boys to panic trying to open the door. The two at the top as well as one at the bottom will be armed with silly string and the other with a camera ready to post on every social media out there. All clear?" Ondina rambled.

"Crystal!" Attina said smiling. She was the one who wrote the notes.

"Thanks so much Ondina! Hey you guys should take a vacation over to California sometime! It would be so much fun. And we could probably find enough safety crystals from Mimmi's book so that we could go to Disneyland!" Ella added

"Oh. My. God! Zac and Evie could come too! Please Ondina! It doesn't have to be like this week but maybe before their war is over we could take a small vacation?!" Mimmi pleaded.

(A/N: I am changing one thing from the Mako Mermaids series that you should be aware of. I hated that Evie lost her tail so in this story and pretty much every other one I will write that includes this show, Evie is still a mermaid.)

"Okay fine. We'll be over sometime like next week. Call soon okay?" Ondina said

"Definitely. Oh and thanks for the book Mimmi!"

"No problem, I have everything perfected so why do I need that. You guys need it much more." Mimmi replied.

We all said our goodbyes and then took a long nap. We even slept through supper.

Around Twelve thirty a.m.
Rey's POV

"Ugh do I have to?" I moaned as I sat up in my bed.

"Rey I heard that now get up or there will be a tail in your near future!" I heard Lucy message me.

"Okay okay I'm up. I got the camera are you and Tia ready?" I mind messaged the three of them

"Tia and I are waiting outside the boy's room. All you and Ella need to do is get the airhorn and wait cloaked at the bottom of the stairs. And don't forget to cloak the camera and airhorn." Lucy messaged back.

"Okay El I'm downstairs." I messaged back

"One step ahead of you there Rey!" Ella said. Wow she was in a good mood this morning. As much as I didn't want to walk, I went downstairs seamlessly.

"Kay guys we only have like twenty five minutes till we can't prank anymore." I messaged to them all.

I seen the thumbs up as the girls walked in the room.

Tia's POV

As Lucy and I walked in the room, it got really cold thanks to their air conditioner. Thankfully I was on Vaseline duty while Lucy was more daring and did their eyebrows. They were all so cute when they slept and I'm so surprised that they didn't wake up easily. The door handle got really slippery but thankfully we remembered to open it so we could escape. After what seemed like eons (5 minutes), Lucy had finished her job and we closed the door. I may or may not have also set up a miniature camera in their room that was cloaked so that we could edit this into a hilarious YouTube video after.

Lucy and I walked out of the room and gave the signal to Ella and Rey. They blew the air horn.

Ella's POV

I was extremely peppy when I woke up this morning and I don't know why.

When Rey came down the stairs and Lucy and Tia went in the boy's room, we used our powers to spread all the dish soap across the floor. I may or may not have also put a note at the end of their slippy slide ride saying... "Hope you don't feel as bad as you look. We like your 20 brows. Xoxo, yours truly, The Mea Magic Makers." .

Once that was done, Rey and I cloaked so that we could catch the whole thing on video without them knowing. When Tia sent the sign, I hit the airhorn.

Jacob's POV

There was a really loud airhorn that woke us up. We couldn't tell if it was a fire alarm or just a prank so we went with the fire plan. We didn't even look at each other until we started freaking out about the door not opening. It was so slippery but then again, aren't all doorknobs slippery in this heat? When we looked at eachother, we screamed. Extremely loud. The door bursted open and as soon as we stepped out, we started sliding. Okay this was so a prank. We couldn't stop though. We fell from the middle of the hallway, down the stairs, and straight outside onto the patio. I was of course the one to crumple the pretty pink note left for us at the end of our ride.

All the boys gathered around as I read it aloud. "Hope you don't feel as bad as you look. We like your 20 brows. Xoxo, yours truly, The Mea Magic Makers."

We all the. Looked at each other to see that someone had shaved the middle of each of our eyebrows. We screamed. This was really humiliating.

We turned around to hear giggles and some claps but no one there.

"Okay who feels that the girls are hiding something?" I asked.

We all raised our hands.
A/N: Oooh cliff hanger. What do you want to see happen next. I'm planing for the characters from Mako Mermaids to make a guest appearance in the next four or five chapters so please stay tuned. Hope your having a good August and I'm so sorry for not updating sooner. I have been super busy😂😁

Have a happy August! Xoxo -Ingrid

PS: If you guys are looking for covers, check out my cover book!

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