Turning around , all tension and anger quickly leaves my body as I face Lily who's staring at me with an awed expression.

"Oh my freaking god!! You totally told her! That was hilarious"

Both of us can no longer hold in our giggles as we suddenly burst out laughing, nearly collapsing on the ground with tears forming in our eyes.

I walk into Maths just as the bell rings and during the whole of the lesson I received a mix of shocked and awed stares.

The only thing that generally made the lesson worse than usual was Jesses abscence.


Me , Lily and Robyn were reunited in our least favourite subject: gym , which we unfortunately shared with the barbie squad.
In our transition between periods I was confronted by numerous pupils who all told me how cool I was to stand up to Courtney.
Frankly, I was surprised at how fast the word spread of the events of this morning.

When I entered the gym changing rooms I was actually grateful for Robyn bringing up the escalation and seriousness of the situation.

"You're going to be targeted now Natalie, what have you done? It's Senior year we only had to put up with her mental antics for another 9 months before she drifted off into the world of prostitution and we all ventured to college"

I couldn't help but lightheartedly laugh at her last comments but realistically she was correct about everything.

How will Courtney retaliate now her reputation has been temporarily fractured?


We enter the gymnasium whilst girl and boys noisily chatter amongst themselves , clearly happy with the congregation of our sport classes.

Robyn sees Josh sitting on the small section of raised seating mainly used for basketball games.

She immediately walks over with a sincere smile plastered on her delicate face.
I keep my gaze focused on Josh trying to interpret his reaction to Robyn so I can judge if He actually likes her.

I watch the way his face lights up when she is present which makes my heart flutter slightly for my best friend , with the knowledge that she's picked a guy that's genuinely interested in her.

When we reach the chairs he pulls Robyn into a tight embrace, kissing her faintly on the lips before noticing me and Lily standing behind Robyn feeling awkward for witnessing their intimate hug.

"Hey guys" he welcomes us as we hastily reply a 'hello' back before introducing us to his friends that happen to also be on the football team.

His friends happen to be Ben and an unfamiliar guy called Luke.
I hug Ben instantaneously and we begin to make some light talk before I am fully introduced with Luke.

"I haven't seen you around before, have you recently moved?" I asked, knowing that I would've remembered a face as distinctive and beautiful as his.

Brown hair framed his angled face with sharp cheekbones and an attractive jawline completing the male model look he has going on.

But most of all it's his enticing brown eyes that keep me on their strong hold.
His irises are a deep chocolate colour marred with flecks of molten gold.
I audibly sigh as I revel in his beauty.

"Hello" he waves a hand on front of my face whilst nervously laughing.

I suddenly awaken from the thoughts of him to look back up into his chocolate eyes and I couldn't help but laugh as I look at him attempting to reign in his amusement aswell.

We talk for the next few minutes while we impatiently wait for the coach to finishing conversing with the school vice principal who happens to be an attractive lady around the same age as him. It's extremely evident that they like each other so me being me, I want to play Cupid.

In the few precious moments before I become a slave to physical education I learn that Luke Bomber is originally from Vancouver but due to his parents type of work they move around a lot so his stay in our small town is probably temporary.

Coach finally emerges from his delirious mood by deciding that we play dodge ball.

We separate into two teams and I desperately look around for Jesse but unfortunately, he's nowhere in my peripheral vision or directly in front.

Thankfully my whole group including Josh, Ben and Luke are all on the same team.
I'm very glad considering that if me and Ben were on separate teams and my team by some miracle won, due to his competitiveness Ben would most likely avoid me for a couple of days out of embarrassment and anger. I know this from experience.

The game begins and everything occurs normally until from the corner of my eye I can see Luke scoot closer to me at every opportunity.

I can't deny that I don't like the attention but my mind is so focused on Jesse that I don't even consider Luke as a romantic option.

I look over the netting and I see Courtney's gaze intently focused on me , a sadistic smirk lining her lips.

It's only then that I notice the volleyball held in her manicured hand as she quickly lifts and aims the ball in my direction.

I have such slow reflexes that I just stood and waited for the impact but the pain I was expecting never entered my body.

Before I knew it I was sprawled across the wooden floor with Luke lightly laying on top of me , the ball bouncing away after colliding with his back.
He took a hit for me. Literally.

I realise how close his body is to mine then and how he's sedictively staring into my eyes , still laying on top of me.

I'm pretty sure he's about to lean forward and kiss me but all that goes through my mind is Jesse, Jesse , Jesse.

Suddenly the weight is lifted off my petite body. Or in another word, thrown.
I quickly get up and stand and my mouth is hanging open in shock as I see Jesse pushing Luke back against the wall, his fists clenched and his hands reaching around Lukes neck.

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