Put Some Gloves On

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I reach out and took the hand and as I am pulled up I am inches away from a rock hard chest. I look up and see the familiar smirk of none other than Warren Mason.

"Ew! You might want to put a glove on before you pick up trash Warren!" I whip my head round to see that the whiney voice came from Alissa.

Alissa is the typical Queen B. She seems perfect. But behind the push-up bras and the layers of make-up she is just a plain ol' bitch. Her blonde hair comes down to her waist when her obvious extensions are in and she has, to be fair, nice forest green eyes, but when you look into them all you see is emptiness. I might be slightly over exaggerating but she has not got the title of 'Queen B' through cuddling puppies and being kind.

"Does every guy who has ever fingered you have to wear a glove then, Alissa?" I think. But judging from the gasps and "oooohhh"'s and "burn!"'s sounding from around me, I did not just say it in my head. Shit.

Then I feel a little hand grab my arm and tug me away. I turn around to see Rebecca dragging me towards the school as quickly as possible.

"You're gunna regret that, you bitch!" I hear Alissa screech from behind me.

I turn around to see the group I just left in turmoil. All of the boys are throwing their heads back and laughing loudly and all of the girls are clustered around Alissa flailing their hands around in disgust. But one thing stands out, warren stands their looking straight at me with a smile, not a smirk, brightening his whole face.

Warren's POV

As I watch Beatrice being dragged into school I cannot help but beam. That's the Bea I know. I think.

"Who was that girl?" Jamie asks, still laughing uncontrollably.
"Who cares, she's a bitch!" One of Alissa's followers calls out.
"She was hot!" My friend Dustin says and I tense and feel an urge to shout at him.
"Yeah she was!" Another guy Louis says.

Beatrice has certainly left an impact on my group of 'friends'. She just continues to surprise me.


For my second period I have PE. I had never noticed before but I also have Beatrice in this lesson.

She walks out in her tiny gym shorts and a black tight t-shirt. I cannot help but admire her long, tanned legs and full curves. Her hair is also pulled back in a high pony tail revealing the sharp definition in her face, of her cheeks and jaw line. When she smiles at something Rebecca says her white teeth and wide smile seem to light up the whole room, despite the still-fading grey-blue bruise on the side of her face.

Unfortunately I'm not the only who notices. Jamie and Dustin and a few others turn their heads and look her up and down. After her little performance this morning she has more attention than I'm sure she wants.

Before I know it Dustin is waving his arm and is shouting,
"Becs! Come over here a sec!" And she comes over with a perfect smile and pulls a hesitant Beatrice with her. Shit, try and act cool. Wait, why was I thinking that? I'm always cool.

Beatrice stands shyly with us with her arms crossed and looking down to the floor.
"Hey Becca, who's this?" Jamie asks jerking his head towards Beatrice.
"This is Bea." Rebecca says rolling her eyes and chuckling.
"Hey" Beatrice says giving a small side smile to the guys.
"Wow, for someone so feisty this morning you sure are acting a little shy," Dustin says in a surprisingly compassionate tone.
"Yeah, Alissa just gets me riled up." Bea chuckles, scrunching up her nose in the most adorable way.
"Well, I thought it was pretty great." Dustin mutters as he scratches the back of his neck and Beatrice smiles sweetly up at him. Wait? What? Am I missing something here?!

I'm about to say something, I'm not sure what, when Coach Danoski's loud voice booms across the gym.

"Alright kids, we're doing some cross country practise today." Loads of the students groan but I can't help but notice a excited smile flash across Beatrice's face and Rebecca nudges her with her elbow chuckling.

Once we get outside and everyone has set off I can see why Beatrice was excited. She begins in the middle of the group but she runs with complete ease in long strides but she's talking with Dustin. I inch slightly closer to try and hear.

"Africa huh?" Dustin says,
"Yeah, my godmother has some connections and she's got me some work experience with teaching their children and building homes."
Wow, I've never really asked Bea about herself.
"That's awesome Bea! I'm sure they'll love you and you'll make a big difference." He pants at her. But she is not tiring at all.

Why is he so interested in her? She's no one?

She begins to speed up after she says goodbye. I see my opportunity and seize it.

"Hey My little busy bee!" I jeer
"Oh my gosh, did Warren Mason just give me a pet name?! I'm the luckiest girl in the world!" She teases me and it just makes me more desperate to talk to her.

"How did you get so speedy?" I ask, my legs getting a little sore.
"I used to run when I felt wanted to escape." She mumbles, becoming wistful.
"Escape what?" She opens to her mouth to answer but then to our left a couple of yards behind us, a girl has fallen over.

Beatrice stops dead. No one else stops running but she runs straight to them. It's a girl named Amelia, she's a bit of a nerd and is one of the main targets for teasing. I hate to admit it but I have done it myself.

Beatrice crouches next to her head and I just stand and stare. Bea takes the girls hand and pulls her up and starts pointing at her feet and jogging on the spot: obviously giving tips on running. After a short while Beatrice starts running along side Amelia going at her pace, which is much slower than she is capable of.

I don't know why she would do that? What could she possibly gain from that? I guess that's the thing about Bea, she doesn't have to gain something from everything she does.

I watch as Dustin runs over again and begins smiling and laughing with the both of them.

I run off I ahead of everyone in my frustration.


Hey Guys! Sorry I took a while to update. I'd LOVE to hear what you guys think so please leave a comment letting me know! Don't forget to Vote! And thank you anyone who is still reading! Much love <3

Raining on the Bad Boy Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora