marina joyce

26 0 4

i honestly think marina joyce, the youtuber who im sure everyone's heard about because it's the big news today, is kidnapped or at least in danger. there are many signs. although some may be fake, many are not.

1.) bruises

people say "bruises can be from anything" ok yes but they are covering her body.

2.) using emojis/signs

people tell marina things such as "put a ❣ in your bio if you're in danger" and stuff and she has done it. also someone said "draw or make a heart" and she did, in the form of a kitty's nose on her face. she has also done it with her hands, etc.

3.) secret messages

she tweeted "Hope Everyone Likes Pancakes" the beginning letter of each word spells "HELP"

4.) suspicious meet up

who has a "meet up" at 6:30 am, especially in a dangerous part of London.

5.) guns and things

people saw guns in the backgrounds of her videos and for one things aren't guns/firearms illegal in the UK? and two i don't think marina would own a gun

there are MANY MANY MANY other signs, read more about it under #savemarinajoyce on Instagram and Twitter

marina used to be my favorite youtuber and a HUGE inspiration of mine, i really hope she's okay.

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