attention thieves

49 1 10

when something, good or bad, is happening to you, and someone has to tell a story of something that happened to them—better or just as good.

when someone purposely takes the attention off of you. because they want it all.

for example, if your pet dies and every tells you their sorry and then that one person says some shit like "omg my grandpa died 528373 days ago. but your DOG dying is pretty sad too." and then everyone turns to them and BAM, attention is gone.

this is a real story: me and my friend met 3 famous people at the boardwalk one day and we told our other friend and she was like "I think Aaron Carpenter might be related to me." (bc that's one of the people we met. like no tf he's not and u know that. her reasoning was that her grandpa and him have the same last name. LIKE TF?!?!1?1! a lot of people have the last name carpenter. (also they live in the same state, but they are not related) anyway, she just tried to take the attention from us. she was also saying stuff like "stop bragging" and "cool?"

anyways, people who purposely do shit like that just so no one forgets ab them. that's one of my pet peeves.

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