100 things about me :))

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1. real name: taylor
2. nickname: taytay (ppl hardly ever say that tho)
3. turquoise!!
4. male or female: female
5-8: don't wanna do but it says elementary school, middle school, high school, & college
9. hair color: brown
10. tall or short: shortish
11. sweats or jeans: hmm jeans
12. phone or camera: phone duh
13. health freak: haha not really but I'd like to be healthier
14. orange or apple: orange !!
15. crush: no one currently :)
16. guy friends or girl friends: i have both but girl.
17. piercings: ears
18. pepsi or coke: coke, pepsi's gross.
19. been on an airplane: nope
20. ((i got this from someone else and they didn't put it so idk))
21. been in a car accident: yea
22. been in a fist fight: with my siblings lol.
23. first piercing: ears
25. first award: can't remember tbh but probably an AR points trophy in grade school (AR is accelerated reading, you take tests on books)
26. first crush: in like 3rd grade
27. first word: idk man
28. any talent: nothing comes to mind rlly but i probably have at least something ;)
29. last person i talked to: my sister
30. last person i texted: my friend
31. last person i saw a movie with: umm my friend i think
32. last thing i ate: pb&j sandwich
33. last tv show/movie i watched: the show dead of summer!! it's pretty gr8 but kinda confusing.
34. last song i listened to: idk what it's called
35. last thing i bought: polaroid camera :))
36. last person i hugged: my mom?
37. fav food: ummmm subway ig
38. fav drink: dr pepper
39. fav bottoms: nike shorts ig
40. fav flower: not sure
41. fav animal: dog ofc
42. fav color: this is on here twice?? but turquoise...still.
43. fav movie: TOO MANy
44. fav subject: uhhhhh idek. prob social studies

have you ever? (put an X in the bracket if yes)
45. fallen in love w someone: []
46. celebrated halloween: [X]
47. had your heart broken [X]
48. went over the minutes text on your phone: []
49. had someone who liked you: [X]
50. hated how someone changed: [X]
51. gotten pregnant: []
52. got an abortion: []
53. did something you regret: [X]
54. broken a promise: [X]
55. hid a secret: [X]
56. pretend to be happy: [X]
57. met someone who changed your life: [X]
58. pretended to be sick: [X]
59. left the country: []
60. tried something you normally wouldn't and liked it: [X]
61. cried over the silliest things: [X]
62. ran a mile: [X]
63. gone to the beach w your friends: []
64. gotten into an argument w your friends: [X]
65. disliked someone: [X]
66. stayed single for up to two years after a breakup: [X]

67. eating: nothing
68. drinking: nothing
69. listening to: the radio??? idk the name of the song (lol this is # 69)
70. sitting or laying: sitting on the floor
71. plans for today: it's 12:30 am so watch tv and go to sleep for now.
72. waiting for: my phone to charge up
73. want kids: yes :))
74. want to get married: yess duh
75. want to travel: YES

what do you look for in a partner?
76. eyes or lips: eyes prob but then again i don't a guy with skinny ass lips so this is tough
77. shorter or taller: TALLER DUH
78. younger or older: not much older but def not younger
79. romantic or spontaneous: both
80. trouble maker or hesitant: trouble maker
81. hook up or relationship: relationshop
82. looks or personality: both

have you ever?
83. lost glasses: no
84. snuck out: once but i went like half a mile down the road lol
85. held a gun/knife in self defense: no
86. killed someone: nooo??
87. broke someone's heart: hope not
88. been in love: no
89. cried when someone died: animals but no one i know has died, luckily.

do you believe in..?
90. yourself: idek
91. miracles: yes!
92. love at first sight: not really, no. you can't possible love someone without knowing a single thing ab them.
93. heaven: duh!
94. hell: yes.
95. aliens: kinda sorta
96. ghosts/angels: yep.

answer truthfully:
97. person you wanna be with rn: my bff
98. do you know who your real friends are: i only have one real friend but the others idk.
99. do you believe in God: of course
100. music or art: music

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