updated opinion on g4ys

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so, like the title says, i have an updated opinion on the lbgt+ (or whatever it's called sry idk)

i wrote the last opinion a very long time ago and my thoughts have slightly changed and become more open. i know i didn't seem that way in the comments but all the people hating on me and cussing made me angry so :) lol

with everyone's comments about being sad bc of being bullied and all the hate bc they're gay, it's actually made me sad and feel for them tbh. i don't think anyone should be bullied and hate is not fun.

what mostly influenced my opinion were the MATURE responses and the ones that didn't lash back. :) so thanks to u.

i still think it's slightly wrong but i wrote "disgusting" and "disturbing" long ago and don't think that anymore. i referenced the Bible and it says it's wrong but it also said to love everyone and every sin is equal, so im trying:)

ive realized gay people just want love and someone to make them happy like me. but i do think you chose to be gay bc you do so sry if you disagree.

for people saying "you're why ppl hate Christians" lol what???? you're basing Christians on a single person. wyd. one persons thoughts does not represent a large group of people. so if you said that lol u dumb. also, Christians aren't the only people who don't support gays. some atheists don't, some Buddhists, some Catholics, many many many people. so calm yrself !!!

anyways, i am more open minded and think they should be happy like everyone else. they don't deserve all the hate. but y'all act like i like called them names or harassed them but i didn't ???

basically, im more open to it and don't hate on gays (never did tho).

i still don't fully support gays but it's an improvement. :)

i still don't see why people were so angry at me. all i did was simple state i don't support them, i didn't call them names or say i hated them while others do but you know :)) whatevs.

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