Jenna cocks her hip. "Sure, sounds like a fun time." Her tone of voice causes me to cringe because the girl is not oblivious to the situation. It is no secret that Lily isn't Jenna's favorite person, but she never suggested I stay away from her. Probably, because she already knew the answer to that.

     We make our way out into the chilly air, pulling our scarves up and stuffing our hands into our pockets in the desperate attempt to stay warm. "How do you think we'll fair against Slytherin, Captain?" McLaggen asks.


     "Did you see the new broom Mary got? It's a Nimbus 1500! Her parents got it for her as a birthday gift. I'm so jealous," He blabbers on, setting my teeth on edge.

     "Yup," I answer sharply. "I saw it."

     "Who do you think will win the cup this year?"

     "Dunno, McLaggen."

      I walk faster, pulling Jenna along with me, leaves crunching under our feet as we walk. She wraps an arm around me, huddling closely to my side. The guilt pricks me, familiar and strong, because my arms crave the presence of the girl walking behind me over the one I'm actually holding.

     When we finally arrive at the Three Broomsticks, we all hurry inside longing for the warmth the small pub offers. Marlene smirks at the company sitting down at the table, but my three best mates all look dumbfounded.

     "Hi," Lily says tentatively, breaking the silence.

     "Hey, guys," Marlene answers, grinning triumphantly.

     Sirius kicks me under the table forcing me to shift my gaze to meet his. 'What the fuck?' he mouths. I shrug and look away, not up for an interrogation right now. Peter is staring at the wall, refusing to meet anyone's eye; Remus' eyes are darting from me to Lily and back, as he runs his pinky along the rim of his mug.

     "We already ordered you a butterbeer," Marlene says pushing Lily's mug across the table. She drinks heavily from it before setting it back down, the sound echoing through the silence of this awkward encounter.

     "So," Sirius begins loudly after a moment of awkward silence. "You and my Lilikins, huh? Treat her well. I know a spell for castration." He glowers at Draven. Remus spits out a bit of butterbeer, and Marlene shoves a biscuit into her mouth to hide her laughter. I try to hide my own laugher, not because it's funny, but because Sirius means every word of it.

     "Sirius!" Lily protests, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. Draven shifts uncomfortably in his seat, as Lily glares at a grinning Sirius.

     "Well, I promise to treat her right, er, Sirius," Draven mutters awkwardly. I call bullshite you womanizing, has no respect for women dick.

     "Oh, you better. Or James here might have to get ahold of you." Black, what the fuck? I turn to throw a glare at Sirius; his eyes just gleam mischievously in return. What the bloody hell is he thinking? Jenna huffs next to me, obviously put out. Great, Black, I'm going to have to hear about that later. 

      "Black, I am warning you," Lily threatens. 

     "Now, now, Lilikins, no need to get your knickers in a twist. I'm just letting him know not to mess, with my girl. Or better yet James' girl," Sirius winks and wraps his arm around her shoulders.

     Lily and Draven both freeze under the weight of his words. Marlene has stopped smiling; Pete has suddenly become very interested in the ceiling; and Remus just stares at the floor as if hoping a giant hole will open up, and he can escape. Maybe I can escape too. I glare at my best friend. What the fuck does he think he is doing? Is he trying to get me killed? Because before this is all said and done either Lily or Jenna will murder me.

     "His girl?" Jenna spits. I flinch at her hostile words and scoot away from her not wanting to be in the danger zone when she explodes.

     "What?" Sirius asks innocently, grey eyes wide. "I just meant they're really good friends. We all are. Why? What did you think I meant?" I see the smirk playing on his lips, as he rests his chin in his hand. I resist the urge to reach across the table and throttle the git.

     Draven laughs uncomfortably. "Why aren't you denying it?" Jenna turns on me. Shite.

     Her ice blue eyes, so opposite of Lily's, are hardened with anger. "What do you want me to deny? That Lily and I are friends?" I ask. 

     "Deny that Lily Evans is your girl. Say I am your girl."

     "You're my girl, Jenna. Happy?" I can't contain my eye roll because this whole conversation is ridiculous.

     "Oh, yes! That was very convincing!" She stands dramatically and storms from the pub.

     "Thanks, Padfoot," I spit. He looks at me innocently; I glare in return.

     "Aren't you going to go after her?" Lily's voice chimes in.

      I shift my eyes to look at her properly for the first time all day. Her gorgeous, green eyes smolder, boring into mine, and her eyebrows have come together in genuine concern. Do you want me to go after her, Lily? Do you really? Do you really not feel anything for me, that you want me to be with someone else? 

     I tip my head back, draining my butter beer, wishing it was something stronger. I stand and leave without a word to find my girlfriend. When I leave the pub, I see her making her way back to the castle. "Jenna!"

     She continues to walk without looking back at me. Her shoulders are stiff, and her steps seem to be forced, as if every step is taking careful consideration. "Jenna! Wait!"

     I run after her, stopping only when I get in front of her, placing my hands on her shoulders. "Look," I start. "I'm sorry about Sirius, you know how he is."

     "It's not Sirius, James! It's you!" She pulls away from my grasp.

     "I didn't do anything!" I protest, stepping in front of her once more.

     "It's what you don't do! You don't deny that Lily is your girl! You don't want to snog me! Hell, you won't even come close to having sex with me! You know a lot of guys would kill to be in your position!"

      I feel the anger flare up inside of me, coursing through my veins. I know I haven't been the best boyfriend, but she hasn't exactly been a walk in the park. Why are you with her? The guys have asked me that a million times. I thought maybe, she should help me get over Lily. But a relationship shouldn't be like this.

     My silence causes her to huff and turn angrily on her heal. "Don't follow me! I want to walk back alone!" 

     A relationship should not be like this.


Hello, lovelies. How is life? I am out for Thanksgiving, have been since last Thursday. It is glorious by the way. I hope everything is going well for you all! 

Sorry this chapter is a little long, and it took me a but to update. Anyways, since I'm on break I hope to update some more soon. Let me know what you think. Love you guys!

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Limerence | A James &  Lily StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz