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I wake up and find myself on the floor.
Okay? Why am I on the floor and not on my bed? I want an explication!!!.
I stand up and find my explication.
My brother is sleeping on my bed. I shake the bed and he wakes up. "Wake up you lazy butthole" I say. He wakes up and looks at me. Then blinks.
"What do you want Celia" "an explication, why are you sleeping on my bed Mills?" "Because I accidentally locked my room" "why?" "I went to a party, and locked my room so mom and dad wouldn't come in, and when I came back, the window was locked as well. So, I came in and shoved you off your bed, and now we are here".
Well, I'm too kind for my own good, and so, I'm too forgiving so I walked up to him and ruffled his hair. "Aw, Mills, dear brother, it does not matter how much you hurt me, or if you almost break my face. I forgive you and I still love you" he smiled and I hugged him. He abuses of my innocence and kindness, I shouldn't let him, but I was taught this.
"And, another question" "yes Celia?" "Why didn't you break into Kristina's room?" "Because she isn't as forgiving as you sweetie" he said and ruffled my hair. "For a year older, you make me feel like I'm ten years younger than you" I said. He laughed and I punched his chest.

We were used to sibling fight.
"I love how I can easily talk and play with you, but not Kristina" he admitted "I know right? I feel the same way!" I said, he smiled "well, get ready, I'm going to take you to school" "yay, get outta my room" I said and shoved him away.
Mills is the best brother in the world, because I don't have another one.
"I'm ready Mills!" I said as I was running downstairs with my backpack over my right shoulder. My backpack slid off my shoulder and into the floor. Everything on it spilled down the stairs and into the living room. I sighed and hurried up so I could have time to pick everything up.
Mills helped me and then we were ready. "Sorry. How's Weeny?" "Good. Get in the car".
Weeny is Mills' girlfriend. They met at college and they make a cute couple. But I don't know if they'll last any longer, Mills gets vet serious whenever I mention her. I don't want that.
Even though Weeny has a very odd name I've never heard, that sounds like a hundred year old lady one, she is really cool and has her swag. She bought me three phone cases for my birthday and a cute dress from Dior. Isn't that cool?.
When I was finally at the high school, I departed towards my friend group.
When I was about to be with them, Christopher Orangewood  blocked my path and I crashed into his strong chest. "Ouch!" I cried in pain, my nose hurt a lot. I fell backwards and held my nose. I looked up at Christopher and stopped holding my nose. Christopher covered his mouth and gasped, he quickly kneeled down and picked up my notebooks and my backpack, "are you okay?" "What the hell Toph!" I said "no I'm not okay, my nose is bleeding and it hurts as hell". He didn't like to be called Chris, so he told everyone to call him Toph. He smirked and helped me up. "Come on, let's take you to the nursery" I rolled my eyes. Since when did he become this nice? Before he didn't even notice me!
At the nursery, they gave me some ice and paper to stop the bleeding or something like that. Toph carried my stuff all the way to the classroom and never appeared again, until lunch.
I was eating my cold pizza, alone, because my friends were with the popular girls, I don't know how, and Toph came to sit next to me. Well, more like in front of me.
"What are you doing here?" "Do I need an appointment to sit in front of you, Celia?" "Well, no, but you never come around" "look, I know you're mad because of what I did, but I'm sorry okay?, no, scratch that, just sorry." I looked at him and giggled "okay I admit it. It's just so funny to look at you trying to gain my heart. But I won't ever give myself to you" I said, stood up, and left.
Yeah, I was mean to him because he was mean to me, be cold to me, I'll be colder to you.

Toph started following me around all break. "Okay. Just, stop Mr. Stalker" "stop what?" "Following me around, it's creepy" he laughed.
God, he has a beautiful boyish laugh, not to mention his smile...
Oh shut up Celia! He's the enemy! Not the crush!!. I don't actually have a crush.
"Fine. I'll stop" he said and I sighed in relief.
"For today" he smirked and left.
What does that mean?

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