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April 25th, 1980

Eight days. That's all I had left to endure from this train-wreck of a tour. My spirit was longing for that sense of freedom that would surely come after I part ways from Rick entirely but I couldn't help the bit of anxiousness gnawing at the back of my mind. You know, after that day , I stuck to Prince like glue not really sure what to do without having Rick's name attached to mine. A lot of my friends were driven away by me because they tried to tell me Rick was no good but being that I was so caught up in him I couldn't see it.

Luckily, in my hometown I had bought an apartment for the times we would argue and I just couldn't stand to be in the same room as him. They would always be pointless arguments, most of them started because of me still behaving like a "child", which was a rather stupid point to make since I had just turned eighteen.

I had first met him when I was sixteen, which seems to be so long ago but it was really only four years ago. Things were much different then.


Ever since that day, this place had really become a second home. When I wasn't studying or doing homework I found myself here, and I was welcomed by open arms. Leather mini skirt, fishnet stockings, distressed white tee topped with a leather jacket and completed by my jet black combat boots. My usual attire, I tried to make myself appear tougher so people wouldn't bother striking conversation.

"I don't know why you bother, honey, I play to win! And when I win I take all." I ran my tongue over my teeth slowly as my eyes flickered over my spread, I arched an eyebrow at my nervous opponent.

"Laugh now, cry later, puta." She murmurs as she pulls a card from the deck to swap it out for one of her own, I chuckled lowly at her obvious frustration.

"I love it when you call me names." I teased as I watched her carefully, she rolled her emerald orbs at me as she awaited my go.

"You're gonna love this ass beating you're about to receive even more."

I threw my head back as I laughed, "Baby, this game over, kiss your three hundred dollars goodbye, don't worry about them too much they'll be in good hands."

My spread was slammed onto the table causing my opponent to throw her cards in the air, I leaned back in the chair as I placed my hands behind my head to show how at ease I was.

"You motherfucker.." She says in disbelief.

"I'll take that!" I smirked as I swiftly remove the money from her hands, I was one bill short. "Oh no, I won fair and square so give me my money."

"Fine! But it's only because you're petty and might fuck my life up over this.." And she shoves the last one hundred dollar bill into my palm, I smiled gratefully as my hand reached into my pocket to pull out a pack of cigarettes.

As soon as I placed it between my lips, a hand was placed on my shoulder. My head tilted back to see my God mother standing behind me dressed in her stage clothes, I brought a flame to the end of it before tucking it between my index and middle finger.

"You look just like your, mother--" Rhonda smiles genuinely as she walked over to her daughter, Melanie, who was still sulking. "if she saw how you looked right now she'd kick your little ass!"

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