"Yeah, I'll start on it today. It's only May so I have June and July to get it finished no worries." I mumbled.

Normani rolled her eyes and stood. "Yeah don't procrastinate Dinah Jane. Alright my loves. I have to get going, Camila's got a surprise date planned for me." She said with a smile.

"Awe, Mani. You both are just so adorable." Ally cooed.

I rolled my eyes and ignored them. Sometimes I hated being the single one of the three but at the same time I was happy being on my own.

My last break up was a complete shit storm. She stole over $50,000 from me, threw my insecurities in my face, and she linked my nudes all over Twitter. I got so much hate from people that I didn't even know but I was lucky to have so many others standing behind me to support me. But still it hurt.

I've never been normal. I was born with a full functioning penis and everyone thought that I was a boy but I knew that I wasn't. My dad named me Gordon after him. Then as I got older I developed breasts, and I freaked out. We went to the doctors and I was told that my hormones were all screwed up. This happened when I was 11, I was so afraid that my parents would treat me differently but they didn't. In fact they let me legally change my name. Dinah Jane was what I picked and from that point on its what people knew me as. I was happy but I was faced with the challenges of bullying all up until 7th grade when I met Normani and Ally. They didn't know what was going on with me or why people picked on me but it wasn't until 8th grade when they found out. A kid by the name of Alfie accidentally hit me in my crotch with a soccer ball and I laid on the ground in fetal position crying my eyes out. He apologized but then started laughing when he realized why I was in so much pain. Then all of the other kids laughed. Not Normani and Ally though. In fact they started swinging on anyone who laughed. I was overjoyed to have those two around and it was that moment that I knew that I had found life long friends.

As the years went by, I still got teased but I learned to ignore it. I still didn't have many friends but I did meet people along the way who didn't give a shit that I had a males reproductive system, they treated me like a normal human being and I appreciated that. Aside from that issue I have insecurities that cause me to shut people out. I've never really dated until I turned 22, and she was the one that I thought I could spend the rest of my life with. Telling her about my condition was hard but i was happy as hell when she said she didn't care. It didn't hit me until after our breakup that she just wanted sex and my money. For two years she got what she wanted...sadly enough.

Being single can be a bit lonely, but if I'm single then no one can hurt me right? It would still be nice to have someone that I can cherish and love and have them love and cherish me just the same.

"Dinah!" Normani shouted as she leaned over my desk and glared at me.

I sighed and pressed my back to the backrest of my chair. "Normani...what?" I mumbled.

Her glare softened and turned into a look of concern. "Honey you zoned out on us...you only do that when something is on your mind...talk to us girls you know that we love you." She said sincerely.

I nodded. "I love you guys too...I'm fine though Mani...go and hang with Camila."

Mani stood up straight and looked at me for a moment before coming over to hug me. "Fine...but please talk to us if something is wrong. You know how you get when you don't express yourself. Please eat a proper meal and call mom you know she worries."

I chuckled and nodded. "Bye Normani. Tell Camz I said hi."

She smiled and pinched my cheek before going over to hug Ally. "Will do Dinah. Bye Als. We're on for Lunch on Friday my treat. Love y'all!" She called out behind her as she hurried off.

Ally and I sat in silence for a moment before she spoke. "Dinah...I don't mean to pry...okay I mean it whatever...but when is the last time that you've been on a date?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes and groaned. "You always ask this question Allyson damn get off my nuts woman. I'm too busy for that shit." I snapped.

She got up and charged at me. She always does this to Normani and I. Since she's older than we are by a damn year even, she feels that its her job to protect us. Then if we get smart with her she'll playfully start beating on us but its so hilarious because she's only like 4"11.

"Who are you talking to?" She shouted.

I laughed and started tickling her until she shrieked and hurried back over to the sofa. "You...Ally I'm sorry I just...I don't have-I'm not ready. I mean I'd like to at least give it a try but since things happened with...her. You know I just um-"

She shook her head. "No. Dinah fuck her! Don't let her be the reason. Sure it maybe scary but at least have someone other than us to hang with. Not that w  don't love hanging with you, we just want you to go out and have fun. There is a woman out there for you DJ." She said sincerely.

I gasped. "Allyson! Did you just say the F word?!" I asked playfully.

Ally was a holy woman and she barely cursed. She's got a boyfriend named Troy, a preachers kid. They've been together for three years now and I think that they're still virgins. It's hilarious. Why the hell is she waiting? A little dick never hurt anyone right?

Ally glared at me. "Seriously? Out of all that I just said to you...which came straight from the heart...all you heard was the F bomb being dropped?"

I snickered. "Are you still a virgin Allyson?"

She stood and grabbed her bag and her keys. "Wow. None of your business Dinah...I have to go though call me if you need me okay?"

I nodded and went over to hug her. "Love you Als."

"I love you too DJ." She said before leaving.

Sighing I laid across the sofa and pulled out my phone. I didn't have anything to do and I'm so bored. Maybe I'll go visit my mom and my siblings for a few hours there's no need to sit here and mope.

I stood and grabbed my keys and whatever else I brought with me before shutting off my office light, locking up the building and heading towards my car.

My mom hates surprise visits, even from myself and my 19 year old sister Kamila but oh well she's getting a surprise visit today.

Before I pulled off my phone chimed indicating that I had a message. I picked up my cell and looked at who it was sent from.

Do Not Answer.

I sighed loudly and unlocked my phone to see what she wanted.

Do Not Answer: Dinah, I know that you probably hate me but we really need to talk...I'm so sorry for what I did to you but this situation is important...please call me soon. 😔

"Fuck you." I mumbled as I threw my phone in the back seat and sped off.

Whatever she has to say I don't want to fucking hear about it.


Here is the start of a new story. Please comment and let me know what you guys think. I would really appreciate it. 💯👌

Video Vixen. (Laurinah Fic) [Completed.]Where stories live. Discover now