T h r e e .

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Jessica's pov

I woke up by the sound of my phone ringing. I took it and my mom's picture pops-up.

"Hey mom!" I answer.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?"

"I'm fine, how's the trip?"

"Stressing. But it seems that your brother has a lot of fun here." I chuckle.

"I miss you guys." I say.

"We miss you too! Just wait 2 more days sweetie."

"I will."

"Ok sweetie, be safe! I love you!"

"I love you more." I say and then I hung up.

My parents are on this business trip, and I didn't wanted to go with them, cause I don't want to miss anything from school.

But you skipped school yesterday.

Shit happens.

I got up from my bed and I made my morning routeen.

Once I finished, I went downstairs to give some food to my dog and make something for myself to eat.

While I was eating cereals the doorbell rang. I got up and once I opened it...


...I got scared by Andrea.

"For fuck sake, I think I had a mini heart attack." I say with my hand on my chest as she laughs.

She got inside and walked directly towards my dog.

"Sup Bella." She started playing with her.

I shake my head and I went back to eating my delicious cereals.

She came next to me and grabs an apple.

"So, have you thought about how you should do your hair?" She asks. I shake my head.

"Good, cause I have the perfect idea." I stare at her in confusion.

"You will see." She says smiling.


I was in my room moving back and forth.

It's about time to get ready and I'm sweating so bad.

I sigh and decide to get ready.

Once I dressed myself, Andrea came in my room and her jaw was on the floor.

"Holy shit." She says.

"I can say the same." I say checking her.

"Ok sit down. I'm going to do your hair." She says and I obey.

"Can you do my make-up too? I'm lazy." I say as she nods.


"And... you're done!" She says smiling widely.

I turn around and walked towards my mirror, and I looked... different.

My outfit fits perfectly on my body. My hair is curled up, and my make-up makes me look like a different person.

And I love it.

"You look amazing." Andrea says smiling.

"Thank you." I turn around and I hug her.

"You're welcome. I feel like a proud mom." We both laugh.

Andrea's phone vibrates and I know its time to go.

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