The Station - Chapter 43 - Will you be with me?

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Once again, the orb of light resting on the door rose from its perch and guided Harris away into the station, meeting its master and strengthening its gleam. However, this time his attention was directed somewhere else. 

The bluish tinge that had shaded the white floor was barely there, replaced by a taupe reflection of the sky above. It was no longer nighttime, dawn had arrived. It seemed to be the early hours of the morning. The sun was not in sight yet but was clearly in the process of breaking through the clouds. The Darkness was gone, and the station looked noticeably bright and breezy, much like Harris felt.

"You're still here, huh?" He asked, unable to control himself from smiling.

"Do you believe something has changed?" The voice spoke. Harris only just realized how calming it was, having the effect of highlighting the serenity of the environment. At this point, he wished nothing more than to take a seat and enjoy the tranquillity the station provided.

"Yeah. I have. And it feels remarkable." He beamed up at the light. "Plus, it's not just me, you look way more radiant than you were the last time."

"Are you certain it is not simply your belief? Or is it a reality?"

"Doesn't really matter," he shrugged. "I used to overthink everything, and now I know I don't have to. I can appreciate the beauty of a moment without questioning its authenticity. You showed me that."

"But I have remained here, have I not? It was you who ventured through those doors."

"Yeah, but you gave me that chance, and don't think I haven't noticed you popping in over there from time to time."

"It is quite a change you are displaying." Even the voice had to concede. "And you believe me to be the reason?"

"I know you are. And that's why..." Harris sat on the floor – there were no chairs for him to sit on – and folded his legs, quite sure he resembled a little boy eagerly awaiting a treat. "...I want you to tell me about yourself."

The voice didn't speak, perhaps it hadn't expected him to strike up a conversation; their previous interactions had leaned toward Harris.

"I've learned my lesson, it shouldn't be all about me. Life's all about reciprocity."

"You believe you are living? The previous instance you believed otherwise."

"I hadn't understood the purpose of all this back then. I think I do now. Even if I'm wrong, it feels right to me, and that has to mean something, doesn't it?

"In the end, people have only to prove their worth to themselves." The voice told him wisely. "However, it does not mean a person's true value lies only in what he has to offer to others, he himself matters just as much."

"I hope you didn't think I'm overcompensating, I really did mean it."

"I'm not one to judge."

"There, made you tell me something about yourself." Harris winked. He didn't hear any chuckle of amusement but liked to believe the light saw the humor in it. "Okay, then, I'll cut you a deal. I'll tell you what I'm thinking and in return, you tell me about yourself."

"You only need to ask me. I am here for you."

He knew the voice meant it, there was no question of 'ifs or maybes' with it. Perhaps its purpose was to be there or perhaps not, but it meant a lot to Harris either way. He had begun to consider it a friend by now.

"Considering the last two times, you want to know how I feel about what I went through in there?" He guessed. "Well, it was everything I needed. I was more scared than I ever was when I first saw Roslin, but the last time I saw her...I wouldn't have had it any other way now. Because I know what it is that I wanted and what could have been."

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