Species Part 2

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I smiled like a fucking idiot the whole way home that night.

Yeah it was a red eye, and yeah i'm exhausted, but now at least I have a clear- if not very tentative plan of what the fuck to do. Everything's been right in front of me this whole time.

I was very trepadatious about this call with Brad... I didn't know what to expect when I told him what I was thinking of; or, if I was even planning on telling him the full scope of my plan.

Then again, he'd have to know that some people don't make it out alive depending on the circumstance.

He's dealt with this shit before, and god only knows how many deaths his parties have totalled.

When I finally got back, I sat in the car and thought every aspect of it through and through before I gave him a call. I decided that he only needed to know the minimum of what was happening and we would go on from there.

As nervous as I was, I picked up the phone and started dialing.


"Hey man! What's been up?? How have you been? Long time no talk."

Brad sounded distracted, or disinterested... I needed his full attention.

"Not much man. What's up with you?"

"Cool...Is uh, now a good time to talk?"

"Yeah.. I'm routing this from my car and i'm driving right now, but what's up? How did uh, everything work out for you with our last conversation? You remember?"

Fuck. I completely forgot about that.

"Yeah man, sorry I never called you back."

"I was, being overly dramatic. Nothing really ever came from that. Man, I should really be more aware of the things I say to whom and how it affects them, shouldn't I? Sorry about that man."

"It's all good. I figured I would have heard something if anything had actually happened."

"Yeah. You definitely would have."

I took a breath to gain some composure before I presented my grand plan to him.

"Hey... So I wanted to pitch something to you, and I wanted your opinion on it."

"So, as I'm sure you heard from your dad about this, but nonetheless... Adam invited me to that organization FRAME's kick off party or whatever it is."

"Oh! I didn't hear that.. That's awesome!

" Yeah... "

Just fucking ripoff the band-aid..

"So listen. I wanted to host a party in the same vein of what you did for Telluride; and I need your help."

"Uh... Okay. And why would you want to do that?"

I feel like he's on to me a little bit.

"Well. For future reference of my career, I'd like to know who is into this kind of a thing; and frankly, who the hell I should avoid if I don't want to be around it."

"O-kay. Well what do I have to gain by setting you up with something like this?"

This is where I knew I needed to take the reigns of this conversation.

"Well, it's not something to gain exactly, but, it's more like something that I have to keep."

Did that sound menacing and maniacal enough? I hope so.

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