Chapter III. Class

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"What the fuck!"

She screamed and immeadiately pushed me away. As I tasted a salty substance and realized that it was Kate's blood. She was applying pressure to the wound and yelling at me through her hand.

"Whut tuh hull iw wong wif you?"

"I... I'm so sorry, let me see if I can get you a tissue or something."

I look around the room, nothing in sight to seep up the blood sanitarily, so I took off my shirt and gave it to heard to help slow the blood flow.
She threw it back at me.

"Juth futhing go!"

There was a lot of blood... I grabbed my shirt. I was dumbfounded, how could I not notice this?

"Is there anything I can do for you? Let me go to the bathroom and i'll grab some toilet paper or something."


"Are you sure?"

She screamed as if she was a preteen girl. Wait a second.

"Hold on, wait a sec, how old are you?"

"Whut ah u tuking about?"

She swallowed down some blood and responded.

"I'm thtithfeen!"

It felt like a punch to the stomach.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Were you planning on telling me that at some point?!" I was screaming at her now.

"You lying bitch!"

She spit her blood out on the floor next the bed. In spite of that, it was still overflowing from her mouth.

"Not that it matters, but I didn't lie to you."

"Then what the hell was CSU about? Where did that bullshit come from?"

"That's not bullshit you idiot. I'm at CSU for the summer for an accelerated english ed program."

I rubbed my forehead, the way I always do when i'm stressed out. I took a very deep, three second breath.

"Alright. I need to get the fuck out of here, and I don't ever want to see your crazy ass again." Fucking gutterpunk. Go take a shower and stop listening to the Misfits. It's embarrassing. Also, when you say to someone you like it rough and want to bleed, then how about you be prepared for the consequences!"

I turned away and opened the door.
She swallowed more blood down.


The door slam cut her off, man that felt good. What the hell is wrong with people? I did exactly what she asked. How else would I have made her bleed??
I made my way downstairs and found Brad. I nodded at him to come over to me.

"Where the hell did you disappear?"

"We need to go... NOW."

He shot me an annoyed look.

"But, but Phil I..."

"NOW. I'll tell you later, i'm sorry."

Is this guy serious? What the fuck?

I looked around, the room was staring at us.

"Hey guys, nice to meet you, but I just had an emergency at home. I need to go, my aunt's in the hospital."

The flood of pseudo-concerned voices came in.

"Oh well, great to meet you feel better!"

Damn poor kid, hope his aunt's alright.

"Sorry man, we'll see you later though right?"

What was his name again? Ah fuck it, I probably won't see him anyway.

"See ya man sorry to---"

"Shit, hope everything's"

That sucks he seemed...

"Fuck. sorry bout--"

Hopefully we'll see him later.

"Damn dude sorry"

Wait a sec, where the fuck is Kate? Mom's gonna be pissed if she's too hungover for chores tomorrow.

That last one was the Chach... Is Kate his? Fuck. That's totally his little sister.

He looked back at me one more time.

"All good man, we'll smoke up later!"

"Sure Chach.. Sure."

Well fuck me.

"Alright see ya."

I grab Brad by the shoulder and pull him outside. He seems like a pretty mild mannered dude, but I can tell I upset him.

"That was pretty damn rude, but i'm sorry to hear about your Aunt dude. Which hospital is she at? Do you want me to drive you there?"

What the hell was he talking about? I finally remembered my lie. He turned the ignition and stared at me.

"So which hospital do you need to go to?"

"Shit man, I was lying sorry. It just got really weird in there with that Kate chick."

He look horrified.

"Oh god.. Did you two fuck or something? She's like 12 dude."


I snapped at him.

"Sorry, we didn't do that... but, almost."

"Oh man, yeah she's weird as hell man I should have told you. And she's actually 14, my bad."

"Jesus man. I feel like I can't breathe!"

"Heh. Yeah, she's real weird. Ever since she started meth man, that stuff definitely fucks with you."

"Wait, seriously?"

"Yeah, it's bad man."

I had nothing to say. The more I thought about it, the more I realized it was true: fucked up teeth, really skinny, extremely laid back and really pale. Was I really that dumb? I knew I was into the punk type of girl, but I'd rather not fetishize meth addicts. I thought I'd be more aware of that after all of the driving I've done in Wyoming, where they have the huge "Before and After" Meth billboards that were so terrifying. I could have sworn that shit was burned into my mind, for better and for worse.

I snapped out of my digression and realized that we were still in the driveway.

"Shit man, I just realized you have no idea where to take me do you? I'm sorry."

"Yeah, I was wondering when you'd realize we were still here."

"Well, let's go in the Mountain View direction, you know where that school is right?"

"Yeah, I know where that is. No problem."

He finally pulled out of the driveway. Shit, is he cool to drive? I know I had quite a bit to drink, but hearing that I almost had sex with a fourteen year old sobered me the fuck up.

"You cool to drive Brad?"

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