Chapter Seven

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The dirty man fell to the floor. He face was crushed against the cold tile. My leather purse was thrown to the side, landing only a couple feet away. The glare on the red leather glistened. Gajeel was also sprawled on the floor, nearly on top of the man.

"Ouch......" I shuttered, just thinking about how much pain Gajeel could've inflicted on the poor man by landing on top of him. Gajeel wasn't fat or heavy, oh no. Just all the muscle he has probably weighed a lot and could hurt really anyone. He was practically pure muscle.

"Levy!" A voice called, sounding distressed. I looked back and saw poor Wendy. She was running towards me, her light blue dress, swayed up, down, left, and right. It was then I noticed, the position I was in. I was sprawled across the floor, my arms and legs going all over the place.

"I'm ok, Wendy," I reassured, once Wendy was close enough to hear me. She looked worried about me, and I didn't want her to. She opened her small mouth to say something when a loud growl was heard. I looked back, and saw Gajeel, holding the man by the collar of his shirt. His feet were off the floor, and he looked mortified.

"Don't hurt him!" Wendy ordered, slightly yelling at the raven haired man. Gajeel glared at the man. If looks could kill, I don't want to know what would've happened to the man.

"Listen up! Don't you dare take anything from Levy again. Got it, pal?" He spat, through clenched teeth. The man was shaking like a leaf at this point. I couldn't help but feel a little bad for him. Sure, he did steal my purse. But Gajeel was treating him like he killed someone.

"Y-Y-Yeah!" He stuttered, beads of sweat, dropping from his forehead.

"Are you sure?" Gajeel asked, his voice seemed to be an octave deeper. The guy bobbed his head up and down.

"Y-Yeah! Just l-let me g-go!!" He pleads, trying to pry Gajeel's large hand off him. Of course, the man had no such luck. Gajeel's fist was like iron. Soon after the man's pled, I heard the sounds of boots, stomping through the crowd of bystanders that had grown.

"Step aside everyone," A male voice commanded, coming into my view. My jaw almost dropped when I saw him. He was gorgeous. He had light brown hair, with blonde streaks. His yellow eyes seemed to see right through me. I was too busy staring at him, that I didn't notice he was right in front of mine.

"Ma'am, do you need help?" He asked, reaching his hand out to me. I shook my head and just stared at his hand.

"Don't worry, I don't bite," He chuckled, smiling. I grinned and placed my hand in his. He pulled me up, quickly.

"T-Thanks!" I muttered, looking at the floor.

"No problem! Now, time to see what we have here," He declared, waving at me before walking off to Gajeel and the man. He was wearing blue pants, a white button-up shirt, and a police badge. He had a jet black belt, which hung a little low on his torso. In his hand, lay a blue police hat. Before he turned away, I caught a glimpse of his name tag. His name was, Arvid.

"So, what happened?" Arvid asked once he got over to Gajeel and the man he was holding.

"This bastard-" He was cut off by Wendy slapping him on the shoulder.

"Gajeel! Language!" She screamed, crossing her arms. The buff man just rolled his crimson eyes and huffed.

"He stole Levy's purse so I ran after him," He explained, obviously annoyed because he couldn't use his precious bad words.

"Who is Levy?" Arvid asked, cocking his head to the side just a bit. Hearing him say my name, made my stomach do summer salts.

"Her," Gajeel stated, pointing to me. Arvid smiled and bobbed his head.

"Oh, her. So your name is Levy?" He asked me, now Gajeel and him looking at me.

"Y-Yes! Levy McGarden!" I answered, playing with my fingers.

"Cute. Anyways, I'll just arrest this man and take him off your hands. Literally," He explained, taking out a pair of handcuffs from his pocket. I blushed like crazy. He thought I was cute? I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest.

"Don't go callin' my wife cute." Gajeel spat, now directing his glare to Arvid.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know she was your wife!" Arvid noted, looking back at me. I just stood there, dumbfounded.

"Is she really your wife though?" He asked, turning his head back to look at Gajeel. He sounded, honestly confused.

"W-Well, wife-to-be. We're getting married soon," I explained, once I made my way over to Arvid and Gajeel.

"So I still have a chance?" Arvid asked, laughing. I laughed with him, nervously. Gajeel grabbed my arm with his free hand and moved me right beside him. My shoulder and his rib cage were touching.

"No, ya don't. Listen, the Shrimp is mine, not yours." Gajeel growled, sending daggers to Arvid with his look. I flinched, at Gajeel's voice.

"I-I was just k-kidding I-" Gajeel quickly cut him off.

"You better have been." Gajeel snarled, pulling me even closer to him, if possible. The entire time Arvid was arresting the man, Gajeel kept on glaring at him. Once or twice, I saw Arvid flinch a little. I would too if I was in his potion. What I didn't understand was, how come Gajeel got so made when Arvid just made a joke?

"Well, looks like we're done here! You three can go," Arvid stated, holding onto the man's cuffed hands from behind.

"Finally," Gajeel muttered, grabbing Wendy's hand and pulling her towards the door.

"Sorry about that, I don't even know why he got all defensive," I apologized, tucking a stray piece of my unruly hair behind my small ear.

"It's ok. He's probably just making sure no one steals his girl," Arvid explained, writing something down on a small notepad in his hands. He was feverishly writing with a black pen, looking as if his fingers would soon come off.

"I guess so......." I thought, aloud. I hadn't really thought about it that way. Protecting his girl? But he told me he was just marrying me to look good........ Gajeel was confusing me at that moment. Actually, almost everything was confusing me.

"Well, bye Arvid!" I said, waving at the brunette. He looked up from his notepad and grinned.

"Bye, Levy!" He sang, waving back. I giggled, as I quickly jogged to catch up to Gajeel and Wendy. My shoes were not made for running nor jogging. Really, they were just made for walking. So it took me a little longer than expected to get to the pair.

"Levy, are you ok?" Wendy asked once she noticed I was walking beside her. I caught my breath, before answering.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little out of breath," I explained, smiling down at her. She returned my smile, and look straight ahead again.

"Oh, Gajeel. I forgot to ask you, how were you in the mall when Levy's purse got stolen?" Wendy asked, frowning up at her big brother.

"I was gonna get a tux when I saw that bast-" he quickly caught himself "idiot taking Shrimp's purse." I blushed, at the sound of my nickname.

"So, I'm a Shrimp now?" I asked, pushing the glass door to exit the mall.

"Yeah, yeah you are,"

Hello Reader-Chan!! It's super late at night while I'm writing this, and my eyes are literally closing XD did you guys notice the iron joke I made at the beginning of the chapter? Hehe, the references are real.

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