The Arena: Day Three - Part Two

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Gauze Weaver’s POV:

I run towards Echo and help her get to her feet; I then help her in dragging Osmo to his. Ravina’s body lies lifeless on the beach; Adaline stands a few meters away – staring at the body in complete and utter shock. Her expression drops even further when the collar around her neck begins to beep.

‘’ No.’’ She mutters quietly and then begins to sob. ‘’ Please, no...’’

I glance from her to Echo, unsure of what to do. Echo shrugs her shoulders. We both want to spare this poor girl from the horrific fate that awaits her, but neither want the blood on our hands. I glance at the crossbow in my hand and sigh. The blood is already on mine, I killed Ravina so therefore Adaline.

I load the bolt quietly; Adaline is too transfixed on Ravina’s body and her beeping collar to take heed of me. Echo understands what must be done and gasps, pointing towards the lighthouse. For a moment it takes me a second to realise what she is doing, and I follow her finger to look. Then I understand.

I hold my crossbow up; take aim and fire as Adaline spins to look towards the lighthouse. There is a quick zipping noise as the bolt tears through the air and it impales the back of her head, lodging itself in her skull. She doesn’t have time to even gasp; she falls and hits the sandy floor – dead before she hits the ground.


The collar however continues to beep, perhaps because it cannot switch off once it begins. We stand in silence, watching her body as the collar beeps. Nobody wants to think of what it will do to her. Thankfully she can’t feel it, but her body will be sent home to her family...The beeping speeds until it gets to the pace where it is almost a steady tone, then it silences.

The collar convulses inwards and Adaline’s head is severed from her body. It squelches and pops off, moving half a meter from her body. Bliss screams aloud, and Osmo commences his roaring; I grab Bliss and hold her tight to me, Echo grabs Osmo.

For a moment that seems to stretch on for eternity, we stand there, holding each other. Unsure of what else to do. I glance over at Echo, who stares at me fearfully. She is weapon-less, defenceless.

‘’ So I guess we’re a team now then?’’ I smile and any sense of worry or doubt that had been on her face vanishes instantly – as if a massive weight has been lifted off her shoulder. She nods.

‘’ Let’s go.’’

‘’ Where?’’ I reply.

She glances down at the two bodies.

‘’ Anywhere away from here.’’

Arianna Winslow’s POV:

‘’ How many tributes does that leave?’’ I question, it has been a few minutes since the two cannons fired – signally yet another pair has met their demise and we are another step closer to getting out of here.

‘’ I don’t know, I think that means there’s twelve of us left...half way there, there’s still a lot to go before the final stretch.’’ He explains and I sigh.

We are perched in a tree, sitting among the huge branches of thick leaves to take shelter from the blood rain, still pouring in bucket-loads from the sky. It really is disgusting how much innocent blood has been shed over the last hundred’s even worse to be drenched in it.

I sit with my back against the trunk of the tree and Alistair’s arm wrapped around my shoulder. My head is against his chest; simply having his scent against my face is comforting. I am so glad I didn’t have to do this alone; and even more so glad that we were paired together. I can’t imagine how tough it would be if I had been separated from Alistair. I’d probably be dead.

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