Opening Ceremonies: Tribute Parade

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Universal POV:

I watch as the twelve golden chariots leave the building at the end of the track and begin to make their way along the parade route, moving towards the President at the end. Each of the golden chariots is being pulled by a white horse with golden armour on it.

The twelve golden chariots are being led by a silver chariot with last year’s Victor – Isis Slater – of District One riding alone in it. Isis is wearing a beautiful and exotic golden dress and her blonde hair is tied up in a neat bun at the top of her head.

She smiles to the crowd and waves her hands at them, they roar in admiration and toss roses at her. In her hand, she carries beautifully designed black spear – the exact one that she won the Games with this time last year.

I still remember the final day of her Games like it was only yesterday. She had been teaming with two other careers – both males – since day one and five days later, it ended up being the three of them left in the arena. Last year had been a very harsh year, the unforgiving temperatures of the desert arena had killed at least ten tributes in the first three days, so the Games hadn’t been very action packed. This was the finish everyone wanted. Well, everyone in the Capitol anyway!

The two guys turned on Isis instantly when they found out they were the last three, the wanted to take her out so they could have a fair fight, one on one to the death. They had greatly underestimated her, she was a natural with her spear. They should have known that considering she was the highest scoring female in the training sessions, however they attacked her anyway.

Both the boys had swords and were pretty vicious towards Isis, however she made quick work of one of them – spearing him through the throat, and then smashing the hilt of her spear into his leg. He fell to the ground and slowly bled out as Isis and the boy who had been proclaiming his love to her only the day before argued.

 ‘’ How dare you do this to me!’’ She had roared. ‘’ You were telling me how much you loved me yesterday.’’

The boy – Bailon – had sniggered. ‘’ You believed that shit? It was all for the cameras baby.’’

Isis hadn’t even replied, she simply jabbed her spear forwards and lodged it through his skull. Then she fell to the ground and began to sob as the Head Gamemaker had congratulated her.

You wouldn’t be able to tell that though by looking at her now, she is cheering with joy as the Capitol citizens shower her in flowers and she laughs happily. The fame and fortune was obviously enough to push the pain and sadness aside.

Behind Isis is the first chariot, with the District One tributes, Brutis Glaze and Belle Cyrus. Brutis wears a plush white tuxedo with a black tie and black shoes. His hair has been combed to the side and he looks rather smart in the attire. He has a golden ring on one of his fingers that looks like it costs more that all of his normal wardrobe back home and it glints as it catches the lights. He smiles and waves at the crowd and they cheer his name and toss flowers at him.

Beside him, Belle is wearing a beautiful white dress that elongates down to her ankles. She wears a magnificent pair of silver strapped high heels and her brown hair is curled and tied up on the top of her head – quite similar to Isis’ hair. The two are standing beside each other smiling, although judging by the distance between the two it is very clear that Belle can’t stand Brutis – and rightly so! The crowd cheer for Belle mostly and toss flowers at her which she smiles warmly at.

The next chariot contains the District Two tributes, Margo Mead and Ravina Quill. Margo is wearing a white suit that has been tweaked to resemble a Peacekeeper uniform. He wears white shoes and also wears the Peacekeeper helmet although it has been modified so his face is in view. He also holds what looks like one of the Peacekeeper batons that are normally used to stun people via electric shock, however when he swipes it through the air, it fires silver glitter from it towards the crowd.

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