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"Brush, brush, brush my teeth. Keep them nice and clean." I sing to myself as the mint toothpaste burns my tongue.

I bend down and spit into the sink, rinsing my mouth for a few minutes, enjoying my time alone.

"Oh Mayyy.." Shawn's voice drags out my name from the other side of the front door.

I can't believe he isn't tired of me yet. He's been visiting me everyday since he got here.

"Oh Shawnn.." A smile that always appears around him dances across my face and I skip happily to the door.

I open it to see him dressed in one of his grey t-shirts and some black gym shorts, looking nice as ever.

"What's up, buttercup?" He leans against the doorframe and tucks his hands inside his front pockets.

I bite my bottom lip to keep a cool and collected aura as Shawn keeps an intense stare onto me.

"Nothin' much, honey bunch." I shrug and wonder what Shawn is doing here this time.

He seems to be in a daze as he continues to gaze at me and I chuckle at him before poking his cheek.

"You're always looking at me like I'm some sort of masterpiece. Which I'm not, so don't even say anything." My finger points at him and I raise a brow.

Shawn kisses my fingertip and an unexpected giggle leaves my lips.

"You're a masterpiece."


"And you're always kissing me, quite frankly I love it but I shouldn't." I confess out of frustration and huff.

Who does he think he is? Just showing up in my life out of nowhere and being nice to me.

"Do you have a swimsuit?" He ignores my statement and makes clicking noises with his tongue.

Of course not, I wear the same clothes about everyday.

I shake my head in response and Shawn drops his jaw at this. Weather like this, a swimsuit would be a good thing to have.

"Well come on." He grabs my hand and I quickly shut the door behind me before he drags us to his apartment.

"You ready Eliot?" Shawn calls out as he leads us into a room I've never been in before.

I'm gonna take a wild guess, and say this is Eliot's room with all of the spiderman things scattered about.

Our apartment is the same layout, but Connor claims this is his 'private room', which I'm not allowed in.

Eliot's brown, wavy hair comes into view as he bounces up and down in excitement.

"I've been ready Shawn!" Eliot punches Shawn in the stomach, who seems unhurt by the action.

Shawn scoops up Eliot and buried his face in his neck, blowing raspberries onto his soft skin.

"Put me down!" Eliot shrieks and giggles at the same time, trying to get out of his older cousins' hold.

Eventually Eliot smacks Shawn really hard on the face, leaving a red handprint on his left cheek.

"Turn that frown upside down." I bring my finger up to Shawn's mouth and pull up the corners, only letting it fall back to an adorable pout.

We're currently in the car, driving to who knows where as the top of the car is pulled down, letting the nice wind pass us by.

"I'll turn it upside down if you kiss it." Shawn cheekily smiles and keeps his eyes focused on the road ahead.

I want to kiss it, but not because of a mark caused by a little boy.

𝔗𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔱 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔅𝔢𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔯 • 𝔰.𝔪Where stories live. Discover now