"I don't know..."

"Think of it as your first test. If you can do this, I'll have you be a full time doctor here. I know you can do it, please~" she looked me in the eye as I sighed, nodding.

"Okay...I do my best..." 

"Good~ Now just make sure he doesn't die~" She joked walking back over to the princess and Impa. 

I glared at her slightly however I didn't want to waste time. I hurried to Link's room, slowly opening the door and looking over to the bed where the hero was lying. He looked like he was in a lot of pain even if he was asleep. 

The first thing I need to do is get the wounds clean...which means undressing him. I can't do it while he's sleep, because, one, that would be weird, and two, it would be hard. So I guess I'll have to wake him.

I hesitantly walked over to the bed, shaking him a bit but not enough to hurt him. It didn't take long for him to groan, opening his eyes and staring at me. I blushed, staring into his blue eyes for a moment. I felt like my whole world froze at that moment. His eyes were so..memorizing.

"I-I'm sorry to w-w-wake you but I need to clean y-your wounds s-s-so..." I trailed off, looking away from his eyes as I felt my blush darken. Link stared at me for a moment longer before snapping out of it and slowly sitting up.

"O-Oh, yeah...R-R-Right..." Once he sat up, I walked over to the table in the corner of the room, getting anything I needed before coming back over to him. 

It was very awkward, I'll tell you that. Nether of us knew what to say or do really. I never have really treated a patient with out my aunt, this is my first time. Plus to make things worst, my patient was the hero of Hyrule. I didn't want to make a fool of myself.

"I-I'll need you to t-take of your tunic...p-p-please..." I looked to the ground as I set my things on the bed stand, not looking to him.

"...Okay..." As I said, he took off his tunic without another word and set it aside. 

"This might sting a little," I sat on the edge of the bed, pouring some disinfectant on a cloth. I carefully dabbed the cloth on one of the wounds as he hissed in pain," s-sorry."

"Its fine." 

I contained to carefully clean and bandaged his wounds, trying not to hurt him at all. The two of us said nothing, we only stayed quiet. I didn't really know what to talk about. What was there to talk about? 

"S-So...you defeated Ganondorf, right?" I asked, trying to break the awkward silence as he nodded.


"Well thank you," I whispered as he looked to me, raising an eyebrow.

"What for?"

"For saving Hyrule and everyone who calls this place home. You risked your life for everyone else, its pretty amazing," I added, blushing a bit as I finished up," there. All done."

"T-Thank you..." 

"No problem..."


"...well I should get going..." I stood up, turning to leave before Link grabbed my wrist, stopping me.

"W-Will you be back later?" He asked, blushing as I did the same.

"Yeah, I-I am your doctor for the t-time being. I'll be back l-later this afternoon to check on you, k-k?" I smiled, looking back to him.

"K," he nodded, lying back as I left the room, shutting the door behind me and going to find my aunt. Maybe this won't be as hard as I thought...once I get use to it.

~~~2 weeks later~~~

I hurried into the main office, a smile on my face. One of the nurse sat at the front desk, doing so paper work as she looked up to me," hello Ms. (Y/n)."

"Hello Mrs. Jess," I waved to her slightly, however I didn't want to waste time talking. Who I really wanted to talk with was Link. 

Link had been here for almost two weeks now and over those two weeks, we've grown closer. I would come every day to check up on him and we talk for hours, usually up until it was time for closing. Its been nice having some one my own age to talk to and I have to say, I've even got a bit of a crush of him. Not that I think I'd even be able to tell him, I'd most likely mess up.

"Good morning, Link. How are y-" I opened the door to Link's room, frowning to find it empty," Link?"

"Ah, (Y/n). Your here quiet early," my aunt walked in behind me, a smile on her face as I looked to her.

"Where's Link?" I questioned, turning to face her as she thought for a moment.

"Oh yeah, he left this morning since he was all better. You did a great job taking care of him and according to our deal, you can now work as a full time doctor~! Oh your parents would be so proud~" She wrapped her arms around me, bringing me into a tight hug as I slowly hugged back. Link left? Without saying goodbye? Well oh course he didn't say goodbye, I was only a doctor taking care of him, no more no less...

"Come on, lets go get you some paperwork for a new patient. Oh~" My aunt took my hand dragging me after her to the office were all the paper work was kept.

I watched her go though the new files, talking with Ms. Jess about which one to choose. They both fan girl-ed for a while over me becoming a full time nurse, so I just closed my eyes and tried to echo them out. I was happy, really I was, I've always wanted this but...I just wish I could have saw Link one last time is all. 

"Oh (Y/n)~" I opened my eyes to see my aunt standing in front of me, smiling brightly," someones here to see you."

"Who?" I asked, standing up from my spot and raising an eyebrow. I didn't have friends other than those working here so who could this person possible be. 

"Go and see for yourself," my aunt winked, hurrying back to Ms. Jess as I walked to the front desk, staring at the ground. I couldn't think of one person who would come and visit me, so I was a bit curious to see who was here.

"Hi (Y-Y/n)..." I looked up, blushing darkly to see the one and only Link standing in front of me. 

"Link! W-What brings you back here?" I asked, rubbing the side of my arm and looking down. 

"I wanted to a-ask you something, if that's okay," he rubbed the back of his neck, a habit of his I learn over the few weeks I spent with him.

"Yeah! I-I mean...yes, its fine with me..." I smiled shyly as did Link. I knew my aunt and Ms. Jess were watching due to the quiet giggles in the background.

"I-I wanted to know, if you want, t-to...um...well I..." he took a deep breath, his face bright red at this point," wouldyouliketogoonadatewithme?!"

Somehow I was able to understand what he said, causing me to blush a million different shades of red at this point," s-sure...I'd love to go on a date with you..."

"Really?" Link looked to me, his eyes wide as I slowly nodded, smiling.

"Yes. Really," I looked up, meeting his eyes for a moment. It felt like my whole world froze up. We probably would have stood there for ever just smiling like idiots if it wasn't for my aunt and Ms. Jess...

"Oh just kiss already you two!" My aunt called as Mrs. Jess giggled.

We looked to them then each other, laughing a bit before Link asked," um...may I k-kiss you?"

"You may," Link smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist and bringing me close as he pressed his lips to mine. I can say right now, I've never been happier. I've got my dream job and my dream boy to be at my side.


Hey guys, sorry its been awhile since I've updated, things have been real busy lately. Today was my first ever day of high school. Yay~ My teachers all seem really cool (one guy even played Legend of Zelda so I'll like him XD). I don't know how things will go once we get into actually learning and stuff so if updates are late, I do apologize. Anyways, hope you like the really late (like how long has it been, 2 weeks?) chapter~Maple

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