Wolf Hero

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XXc-AGbpw4 : this is a good song XD not that it has anything to do with this


(You're P.O.V)

I sat down on the beach of Ordon springs. My (h/l) (h/c) blew int he wind as I closed my eyes and thought about my boy friend, Link. I haven't seen him in awhile but, knowing him he was probably on an adventure somewhere. It seemed like ever time he left, there was nothing to do. But today, I thought maybe I could just sit here by the springs and take a day to myself. But, as luck has it, something always has to happen when I let my guard down. I could hear foot step's behind me. I turned hoping to see Link but it wasn't. A ground of bulblin's stood behind me and on the one day I didn't have a sword! I took a few steps back from them as they only got closer to me. I closed my eyes ready to die but nothing came but screams of bulblin's and barks? I open  my eyes to see the bulblin's disappear into purple smoke. I blinked in confusing on looked down to see a wolf on his back was an imp. The started up at me with a smile as the imp just looked away. Most people would run, but I loved wolfs (the imp was a little weird though...)! I knelled down and petted the wolf.

"Hello there, are you the one who saved me?" The wolf's tail waged like crazy as the imp just rolled her eyes.

"Who else would have killed all those bulblin's?"

I ignored the imp girl and contained to pet the wolf. I noticed that there was a large wound on his side," you're hurt."

"Find that out on you're own girly?" asked the imp. The wolf snared at the imp and barked something. Sadly I don't speak wolf :(

"Come with me, I could heal you right up," I smiled. The imp rolled her eyes as the wolf stood up and followed me home. After I got there, I got a red poison and put it in a bowl for the wolf. 

"I don't know if this will work on wolfs or not but its worth a try," I set the bowl down for the wolf and he drank it. Luckily, the poison did work. I looked out the window to see it was already night. 

"You two can stay here tonight," I offered. 

~~~Time skip, cause I lazy~~~

I woke up to something or someone leaning against me. I look to my side to see Link? I sat up and looked around. The wolf and imp where gone. I turned to Link and taped him. He opened his eyes and smile.

"Good morning (y/n)."

"Link, did you see a wolf and imp when you came back?" I asked still looking around. If he killed it I swear to the goddess!

"Oh, um...I seen a-a wolf and imp in the forest. That could have been them," Link rubbed the back of his head.

"You didn't kill them?"

"No, I didn't kill them."

I smiled and got up, "Maybe they went to there home."

"Yeah, it was nice of you to give that wolf the poison though," Link smiled getting up as well and giving me a kiss.

"W-Wait, I never said anything about a poison..." Link had a lot of explaining to do.

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