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The morning has come, I am awake and quite energized. The sun is shining, the birds singing and the breeze brushes through the bushes and trees. But there was only one problem.......

I dont want to get up.

It is a Saturday morning and it is currently 7 a.m. because being the shitty self that I am, forgot about my damned alarm.

I decided to sleep for five minutes. Have you ever tried that time when you sleep for five minutes in bed and suddenly it becomes forty-five? Well yeah that is what had happened. Ugh.

And then I remembered why I set the alarm. I had to pick up my brother from the airport, in about... 15 minutes. Urggh. 15 minutes to eat, bathe and get ready. That's plenty of time, right?

I semi-jog down to the kitchen. I should place a swirly slide next time. I eat a slice of pizza from last night as fast as I could. After all of that is taken care of, I bathe faster than the regular basis and continue with shampoo, conditioner and soap. After all that fuzz I do my make-up, or should I say light cover up since I have just decided to go with powder, foundation, and lip balm. Not too much eh?

" 7:52 " read on the clock and I swear profanities out and hurry to the airport.

Why does his damn flight have to be so early!? Ugh.

I arrive at the airport and search for my brother and spot him in a grey hoodie, black jeans, Ray-bans and his luggage. I wave him over and seems to praise my arrival as he sees me.

" Oh good Lord! What took you so long?" He whines after taking a seat on my mocha toned car seats.

"Well pardon me for being a girl!" I say sarcastically.


"You didnt need to dress up! You look pretty without make-up" He assures me.


"That coming from you is just weird and awkward, but thank you though" I say as my face is scrunched up.

"Hey!" I come back to reality as I heat the snap of the phone camera.

The damn cow just took a picture of my pickle face. No!

"Pickle!" He laughs at the snapshot and I lightly punch his arm.

"Delete!" I plead to him as I focus my eyes on the silent and deserted road.

"No" He denies.


"Its gonna be a keeper" He smirks and I.... just hate him.

We arive at home, well my apartment. I get the load off of the trunk and search for his tall figure for help. And as I guessed, He escaped.

Good, just, good.

I try to carry everything within my two hands , I slowly make my way to the door, and close it.

I unload everything and my once clean couch, is now covered with sibling-germs.


"And where were you?" I ask with an arched eyebrow.

"Obviously, settling in" He says in a duh tone. Well Duh!

"And does settling in have to involve with dirtying my couch?"

"Its not dirty"


I hate losing.

Well a brother is a brother.


Hey guys! I am currently making fanfics! Yeah!

My other fanfic is Fall, for all you Harry girls and yeah. I hope you guys liked this chappie. Your votes can help me and comments too, so please!

Message me if you want too! <3 I love you for reading this!

-SunKiss Styles

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