Warm Nights (Matthew Murdock)

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   It was a chilly night in Hell's Kitchen, a bit too chilly for your likings. You were currently sitting on your boyfriends couch wrapped in a few layers of blankets. This is usually how your nights played out for you; waiting for Matt to return home from his night time duties until he returns, help with any wounds, then fall asleep. You heard Matt shuffle down the stairs, making your head crane in his direction. You quickly stood up from the couch, dropping the blankets in the process, and made your way to him.

"Are you hurt anywhere, Matt?" You asked as you glanced over his body. You didn't catch anything injuries on his person until he removed his mask. He had a cut on the bridge of his nose, a dark bruise near his eye, and another cut on his cheek.

"I think just my face." He said. "But I do feel a bit sore as well."

"Go sit down on the couch, I'll clean the cuts." He nodded and sat down where you were sitting before. You grabbed one of the many first aid kits that were laying around and sat next to him, shaking a bit from the cold.

"You're cold, (Name)."

"I don't see how you're not. You've been outside where it is even colder."

"Well I was fighting and keeping my body temperature high." He chuckled.

"Don't be a smartass, I'm not afraid to hit you." You jested and wrapped one of the blankets around your shoulders. "Well, let's get this done so we can go to bed." You open up the kit and break out the quitips and ointment. Gently with one hand, you took his strong jaw and tilted his head so you could get a good angle from the cut on his cheek. "This may sting a bit, dear."

"Nothing I can't handle." You roll your (eye color) eyes and begin dabbing the ointment-covered quitip lightly against the cuts against both his cheek and nose. Matthew winced only twice for each cut.

"There, I can't do much for the bruise but, you still look handsome as ever." You smiled and put away the kit.

"You're right, it is cold in here." Matt spoke as he went into his bedroom. You quickly scamper after him, ready to get into bed a sleep. You lay on the soft mattress and watch him change from his vigilante outfit. You giggled like a school girl when he only stood in his boxers, enjoying the view of his toned body. "You know I can tell your watching me, (Name)." He smirked and crawled into bed next to you, pulling you into his bare chest.

"I love you, Matthew."

"I love you too." You both smiled. You fell asleep almost instantly but it took Matt a bit longer too. He always listened to your steadied heartbeat to help lull him to sleep. His chocolate brown eyes slowly closed as he began to fall asleep, still holding onto your warm body.

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