Calming Effect (Bruce Banner)

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  Parties were not one of Bruce Banner's strong suites; especially Tony Starks famous, wild parties. He didn't really understand why the other Avengers drag him out to these parties when they know they make him nervous; like now for instance. The Avengers made him come to a crazy part he did not feel comfortable here at all; at least his girlfriend, (Name), tagged along to make sure he felt safe.

Bruce sat awkwardly in the corner while everyone else was dancing, drinking, and partying. He didn't feel all too well and wanted to leave as soon as possible. His eyes dart around and all the people began to worry him greatly. Bruce saw them as possible victims if he 'Hulk'd' out right now. He didn't even realized he was fidgeting with his hands. He was about to get up and run out but he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder; it was (Name). Banner instantly felt calmer and leaned over to the (hair color) haired, resting his head on her shoulder.

"Are you alright Bruce?" (Name) asked while she ran a hand through his curly brown hair.

"I'm doing better now that you are here with me." He smiled softly; it almost seemed like the rest of the people at the party disappeared.

"I am glad to hear. I saw you getting fidgeting and I wanted to make sure you are alright."

"Well, you do have an effect on me, (Name). I always find I feel calmer with you around."

"You're so sweet, Bruce." She giggled and he chuckled. "Well, do you want to leave the party and maybe take a walk? I'm sure the others won't mind."

"Yeah, let's go to the usually place." The two of the stood up and left the party hand-in-hand. As they left the building, the cold night air instantly blasted them. (Name) gave a small shiver and Bruce quickly shrugged of his coat and put it over her shoulders.

"You didn't have to, Bruce. Won't you get cold?"

"Ah I'm fine, let's hurry." He smiled and took her hand again. They walked for a short period of time until arriving at the park. (Name) and Bruce quickly sat down on their favorite park bench. Banner wrapped one of his arms around her shoulder and she leaned her head against them. "I am so glad to have you in my life, (Name). I love you."

"I love you too, Bruce." They both smiled and stared up at the night sky and they sat there almost all night talking.

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